
Dim Sht as worksheet
Dim FoundCell as Range

'replace with your workbook and worksheet if required
Set Sht = Activeworkbook.Activeworksheet

With Sht
Set FoundCell = .Find("descr1", .Cells(1, 1), , , xlByColumns)
end with
If not FoundCell is Nothing then
Sht.Activate 'if not active already
end if

Highlight Find in the editor and hit F1 key to look at its parameters

shark102 wrote:
> hello
> my second post here, still learning VBA.
> My question is pretty much included in the subject.
> I need to find a cell in worksheet that contains text "descr1" - there is
> only 1 cell like this in the worksheet - it is in a header, and make cell 2
> cells below that active
> any help is greatly appreciated