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error 2015 performing vlookup

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  1. #1

    error 2015 performing vlookup

    The following code inserts #VALUE when I attempt to use the
    If I mouse over the Cells(dRow, dCol) I see error 2015 in the pop-up

    I am using Excel 2002. Any idea what is wrong ?

    Thanks in advance

    Sub CreateReport()
    'Declare variables
    Dim strFile As String
    Dim wkbCode As Workbook
    Dim wkbReport As Workbook
    Dim wksCustom As Worksheet
    Dim dCol As Double
    Dim dRow As Double
    Dim tmpString As String
    Dim tmpRange As String

    Set wkbCode = ThisWorkbook

    'Let user choose workbook to open
    strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename _
    ("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt, Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", 2)
    If strFile <> "False" Then
    Set wkbReport = Workbooks.Open(strFile)
    End If

    'Display message at bottom of screen
    Application.StatusBar = "Creating the report..."

    'Delete "Category" column
    dCol = Application.Match("Category", Rows(1), 0)
    If Not IsError(dCol) Then
    End If

    'Insert "Manager" column between "Status" and "Caller" columns
    dCol = Application.Match("Caller", Rows(1), 0)
    If Not IsError(dCol) Then
    End If
    Cells(1, dCol) = "Manager"

    'look up area manager and insert into "Area Mgr" column
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    tmpRange = "[TicketReport.xls]tmp!$I$6:$J$38"
    For dRow = 2 To 100
    tmpString = Cells(dRow, dCol + 1)
    Cells(dRow, dCol) = Application.VLookup(tmpString, tmpRange, 2,
    Next dRow
    Application.EnableEvents = True

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: error 2015 performing vlookup

    vlookup requires a range reference as the second argument. You are supplying
    a string

    tmpRange = "[TicketReport.xls]tmp!$I$6:$J$38"

    so change the declaration from
    > Dim tmpRange As String

    to Dim tmpRange as Range

    then do

    set tmpRange = "Workbooks("TicketReport.xls") _

    TicketReport.xls will need to be open when you run the code.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "SP" <polifemo@suscom.net> wrote in message
    > The following code inserts #VALUE when I attempt to use the
    > Application.Vlookup
    > function.
    > If I mouse over the Cells(dRow, dCol) I see error 2015 in the pop-up
    > box.
    > I am using Excel 2002. Any idea what is wrong ?
    > Thanks in advance
    > Sal
    > Sub CreateReport()
    > 'Declare variables
    > Dim strFile As String
    > Dim wkbCode As Workbook
    > Dim wkbReport As Workbook
    > Dim wksCustom As Worksheet
    > Dim dCol As Double
    > Dim dRow As Double
    > Dim tmpString As String
    > Dim tmpRange As String
    > Set wkbCode = ThisWorkbook
    > 'Let user choose workbook to open
    > strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename _
    > ("Text Files (*.txt),*.txt, Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", 2)
    > If strFile <> "False" Then
    > Set wkbReport = Workbooks.Open(strFile)
    > End If
    > 'Display message at bottom of screen
    > Application.StatusBar = "Creating the report..."
    > 'Delete "Category" column
    > dCol = Application.Match("Category", Rows(1), 0)
    > If Not IsError(dCol) Then
    > Columns(dCol).Delete
    > End If
    > 'Insert "Manager" column between "Status" and "Caller" columns
    > dCol = Application.Match("Caller", Rows(1), 0)
    > If Not IsError(dCol) Then
    > Columns(dCol).Insert
    > End If
    > Cells(1, dCol) = "Manager"
    > 'look up area manager and insert into "Area Mgr" column
    > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > tmpRange = "[TicketReport.xls]tmp!$I$6:$J$38"
    > For dRow = 2 To 100
    > tmpString = Cells(dRow, dCol + 1)
    > Cells(dRow, dCol) = Application.VLookup(tmpString, tmpRange, 2,
    > False)
    > Next dRow
    > Application.EnableEvents = True

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