Hello again!
I have a formula IF(A1=2,"",A2) if there is a 2 in A1 and I copy the cell and then paste-special-values to another cell it leaves a ' in the cell which is causing me problems when I use an end-up or down to select the range. I only want to select cells that have data in them not '. Is there a way to leave a cell "truely blank" when using a formula in it? or! Is there a way I can delete the ' s only from a range and leave the rest of the data to be selected?
The goal here is to take the data produced from a range of formulas (not all rows produce data each time) and copy it to a list that can be added to by the same process. In other words the list just keeps getting longer (no empty rows) each time data is "Posted " from the range of formulas.
I'm sure there is a more efficient way to do it than my "copy paste-special-values and sort" method.
As always, help is greatly appriciated. Thanks!!