For a Textbox with:

The quick brown fox
The quick brown fox
The quick brown fox

You want the cell to look like

The quick bro
The quick bro
The quick bro

I don't believe you can achieve that. Wrap Text would wrap the text and if
you turn that off, then you would not have multiple lines in the cell.

Tom Ogilvy

"Jim May" <> wrote in message
> In Userform1 I have a textbox (multiline = True; Word wrap = False) where

> need to enter 3 or 4 lines of text (I've implemented a scrollbar to
> accomodate if the text is greater than the size of the box).
> As I copy the textbox content to my underlying sheet1 the Comments Column
> causes my row to quadruple in size. How can I have my sheet NOT look this
> way;
> meaning the text beyond the normal 1" of the column doesn't need to be
> visible..
> How can I acheive this?
> TIA,
> Jim