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[SOLVED] External table/range reference trouble

  1. #1

    [SOLVED] External table/range reference trouble

    Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string value
    "pointing" to the external table?

    A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)

    index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: External table/range reference trouble

    As stated in the help on Indirect, it does not work with a reference to a
    closed workbook. Open the workbook and change your string to the workbook
    name and it will work. Using a defined name does not solve this.

    Harlan Grove has written a UDF that works in this situaiton by opening a
    second instance of excel, opening the closed file, getting the information,
    closing the file, closing the second instance of excel and returning the
    information. I have never used it, so I can't imagine what the speed
    penalty must be.

    Another alternative is have event driven code actually change the hard coded

    Tom Ogilvy

    "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string

    > "pointing" to the external table?
    > Example
    > ----------
    > A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    > A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)
    > index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    > index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    > index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    > index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)

  3. #3

    Re: External table/range reference trouble

    Tom, thanks a lot. I didn't know if this was something I couldn't figure out
    or something that can't be done - directly anyway.

    Your last suggestion has probably shown me the way, though. Since the actual
    table to be searched relies on the content of a field, I will write a routine
    to change the formulas that refer to the external table to a specific
    reference instead of the variable one and link it to an OnChange event in the
    controlling field.

    Now I only have to figure out where and how one codes an OnChange event for
    a cell!!! This is something I haven't had to do before. Can you help? I
    cannot find cell events anywhere...

    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > As stated in the help on Indirect, it does not work with a reference to a
    > closed workbook. Open the workbook and change your string to the workbook
    > name and it will work. Using a defined name does not solve this.
    > Harlan Grove has written a UDF that works in this situaiton by opening a
    > second instance of excel, opening the closed file, getting the information,
    > closing the file, closing the second instance of excel and returning the
    > information. I have never used it, so I can't imagine what the speed
    > penalty must be.
    > Another alternative is have event driven code actually change the hard coded
    > reference.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > > Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string

    > value
    > > "pointing" to the external table?
    > >
    > > Example
    > > ----------
    > > A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    > > A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)
    > >
    > > index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    > > index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)
    > >


  4. #4

    Re: External table/range reference trouble

    Could I use the OnTime approach you suggested to VVaidya for the flashing
    cell and check if the contents of cell so-and-so have changed or is there a
    more appropriate way?

    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > As stated in the help on Indirect, it does not work with a reference to a
    > closed workbook. Open the workbook and change your string to the workbook
    > name and it will work. Using a defined name does not solve this.
    > Harlan Grove has written a UDF that works in this situaiton by opening a
    > second instance of excel, opening the closed file, getting the information,
    > closing the file, closing the second instance of excel and returning the
    > information. I have never used it, so I can't imagine what the speed
    > penalty must be.
    > Another alternative is have event driven code actually change the hard coded
    > reference.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > > Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string

    > value
    > > "pointing" to the external table?
    > >
    > > Example
    > > ----------
    > > A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    > > A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)
    > >
    > > index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    > > index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)
    > >


  5. #5
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: External table/range reference trouble

    If the cell will change because someone edits it manually or with code, you
    can use the Change Event.

    Right click on the sheet tab and select view code. In the left dropdown at
    the top of this Sheet module, select Worksheet and in the right dropdown
    select CHANGE

    this will put in the declaration for the event

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    End Sub

    (selectionchange may also be entered, but you can delete this or ignore it)

    You would put code there like this

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    if Target.Address = "$B$9" then
    Range("B10").Formula = "=Vlookup(A10,'C:\Myfolder[" & Target.Value & _
    End If
    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > Tom, thanks a lot. I didn't know if this was something I couldn't figure

    > or something that can't be done - directly anyway.
    > Your last suggestion has probably shown me the way, though. Since the

    > table to be searched relies on the content of a field, I will write a

    > to change the formulas that refer to the external table to a specific
    > reference instead of the variable one and link it to an OnChange event in

    > controlling field.
    > Now I only have to figure out where and how one codes an OnChange event

    > a cell!!! This is something I haven't had to do before. Can you help? I
    > cannot find cell events anywhere...
    > "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
    > > As stated in the help on Indirect, it does not work with a reference to

    > > closed workbook. Open the workbook and change your string to the

    > > name and it will work. Using a defined name does not solve this.
    > >
    > > Harlan Grove has written a UDF that works in this situaiton by opening a
    > > second instance of excel, opening the closed file, getting the

    > > closing the file, closing the second instance of excel and returning the
    > > information. I have never used it, so I can't imagine what the speed
    > > penalty must be.
    > >
    > > Another alternative is have event driven code actually change the hard

    > > reference.
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > > Tom Ogilvy
    > >
    > >
    > > "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > >
    > > > Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string

    > > value
    > > > "pointing" to the external table?
    > > >
    > > > Example
    > > > ----------
    > > > A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    > > > A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)
    > > >
    > > > index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > > index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    > > > index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > > index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)
    > > >

    > >
    > >
    > >

  6. #6
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: External table/range reference trouble

    Also see Chip Pearson's page on Events

    Also, if you change a cell value in a change event, you need to disable
    events. I didn't in my routine since the If condition screens out changes
    made in cells other than B9, but the caution is in General

    Application.enableevents = False
    ' code to change chells
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    in reality you should add error handling

    On Error goto ErrHandler

    .. . .

    Application.EnableEvents = False

    .. . .
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    this ensures that events get reenabled if you have an error in your routine.
    (otherwise, you events may suddenly stop working)

    Tom Ogilvy

    "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > Tom, thanks a lot. I didn't know if this was something I couldn't figure

    > or something that can't be done - directly anyway.
    > Your last suggestion has probably shown me the way, though. Since the

    > table to be searched relies on the content of a field, I will write a

    > to change the formulas that refer to the external table to a specific
    > reference instead of the variable one and link it to an OnChange event in

    > controlling field.
    > Now I only have to figure out where and how one codes an OnChange event

    > a cell!!! This is something I haven't had to do before. Can you help? I
    > cannot find cell events anywhere...
    > "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
    > > As stated in the help on Indirect, it does not work with a reference to

    > > closed workbook. Open the workbook and change your string to the

    > > name and it will work. Using a defined name does not solve this.
    > >
    > > Harlan Grove has written a UDF that works in this situaiton by opening a
    > > second instance of excel, opening the closed file, getting the

    > > closing the file, closing the second instance of excel and returning the
    > > information. I have never used it, so I can't imagine what the speed
    > > penalty must be.
    > >
    > > Another alternative is have event driven code actually change the hard

    > > reference.
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > > Tom Ogilvy
    > >
    > >
    > > "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > >
    > > > Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string

    > > value
    > > > "pointing" to the external table?
    > > >
    > > > Example
    > > > ----------
    > > > A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    > > > A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)
    > > >
    > > > index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > > index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    > > > index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > > index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)
    > > >

    > >
    > >
    > >

  7. #7

    Re: External table/range reference trouble

    I am trying out your idea to change the hardcoded reference in a
    Worksheet_Changed event. I am posting my code that will work if I change the
    cell formula to i.e. "=TODAY()+"&line_number but will produce a run-time
    error if I try to input a formula with a VLOOKUP, either internal or external.
    Can you think of what might be wrong or should we assume it's an Excel
    Bear in mind that if I input the VLOOKUP formula without the initial "=", as
    a string, and then manually add the "=" in front, the result is correct -
    therefore the syntax of the VLOOKUP is ok.
    Application.EnableEvents = False

    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Activate // this is the item
    description col

    line_number = 1
    While line_number <= max_line

    ' this produces a run-time error...
    lookup_formula = "=VLOOKUP(B" & (line_number + 8) & ";" &
    Worksheets("Tables").Range("wcCurrentControlDB").Value & ";2)"
    ' also this....
    lookup_formula = "=vlookup(wcSupplier;D_SUPPLIERS;2)"
    ' this works...
    lookup_formula = "=today()+" & line_number

    ActiveCell.Offset(line_number, 0).Formula = lookup_formula
    line_number = line_number + 1

    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > As stated in the help on Indirect, it does not work with a reference to a
    > closed workbook. Open the workbook and change your string to the workbook
    > name and it will work. Using a defined name does not solve this.
    > Harlan Grove has written a UDF that works in this situaiton by opening a
    > second instance of excel, opening the closed file, getting the information,
    > closing the file, closing the second instance of excel and returning the
    > information. I have never used it, so I can't imagine what the speed
    > penalty must be.
    > Another alternative is have event driven code actually change the hard coded
    > reference.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "DoctorG" <> wrote in message
    > > Does anyone know how we can create an external reference from a string

    > value
    > > "pointing" to the external table?
    > >
    > > Example
    > > ----------
    > > A1=my_internal_table (content is text)
    > > A2='C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table (content is again text)
    > >
    > > index(my_internal_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > index(indirect(A1);2;1) ---> produces same result as previous
    > > index('C:\EXCELFILE.xls'!my_external_table;2;1) ---> works
    > > index(indirect(A2);2;1) ---> does not work (#REF!)
    > >


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