Hello Everyone...

I have a question about converting a segment of time between minutes,
and 100th's. Let me try to explain more clearly.

We have two places that keeps track of an employee's earned time off
(ETO). On their pay stub, the amount is tracked in 100th's of an hour
(may not be saying that correctly). So, an employee can have 21.84
hours of ETO, but this is actually 21 hours and 50 minutes (.84*.6).
So, in one location, the employee can see 21.84 hours, and in another
they see 21.50 hours... Here in lies the issue... I can easily take the
..xx numbers and multiply by .6 to convert to actual minutes. However,
how can I write a formaula that looks at the whole number (21.84), and
converts it in another cell to read 21.50? Is there an easy way?

Cell A1 Cell A2
21.84 (formula that shows 21.50)

As always, thanks ahead of time for any assistance.