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send email with email addresses in a range of cells

  1. #1

    send email with email addresses in a range of cells

    I'm trying to send a workbook to a list of email addresses within the
    workbook. When I use ActiveWorkbook.SendMail and list the recipients
    as values of cells withing the workbook, It's coming up with a 1004,
    unkown recipient name in list of recipients. How would i format the
    recipient section in the vb code to get rid of this error? Or is there
    a better way to do this all together (other than

  2. #2
    Ron de Bruin

    Re: send email with email addresses in a range of cells

    Hi Graig


    Send to all E-mail addresses in a range
    Dim MyArr As Variant
    MyArr = Sheets("mysheet").Range("C1:C10")
    ..SendMail MyArr, "This is the Subject line"

    Send only to the visible Addresses in column C
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim Arr() As String
    Dim N As Integer
    Dim cell As Range

    Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Columns("C").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
    ReDim Preserve Arr(1 To rng.Cells.Count)
    N = 0
    For Each cell In rng
    If cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False And cell.Value Like "*@*" Then
    N = N + 1
    Arr(N) = cell.Value
    End If
    Next cell
    ReDim Preserve Arr(1 To N)

    'Use this then in the SendMail line
    .SendMail Arr, "This is the Subject line"

    Regards Ron de Bruin

    "Craig" <Craig41Bl@gmail.com> wrote in message news:1128975606.817135.118300@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
    > I'm trying to send a workbook to a list of email addresses within the
    > workbook. When I use ActiveWorkbook.SendMail and list the recipients
    > as values of cells withing the workbook, It's coming up with a 1004,
    > unkown recipient name in list of recipients. How would i format the
    > recipient section in the vb code to get rid of this error? Or is there
    > a better way to do this all together (other than
    > ActiveWorkbook.SendMail?

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