The following macro is no longer working. I am getting a Run Time Error 1004
saying "Programmatic Access to Visual Basic Project not Trusted". It's
highlighting the line of code:

For Each ref In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References

I have the Regular Expressions 5.5 clicked off. This was working fine in XL
2000 until I merged two XLAs together and started running it in XL 2003

Why is this?

Private Sub ExternalLinkChkBx_Click()
Dim ref As Object
Dim fRef As Boolean

If ExternalLinkChkBx = False Then
SelectAllChkBx = False
End If

If ExternalLinkChkBx = True Then
'Check to see if user has RegExp library
'installed. If not, prompt user to not
'choose this option.
For Each ref In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
If ref.Name = "VBScript_RegExp_55" Then
'Debug.Print ref.Name
'ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Remove ref
fRef = True
'MsgBox ("Regular Expressions 5.5 Enabled")
End If
If Not fRef Then MsgBox ("You do not have the Regular Expressions
Library checked off in the Tools Menu. In order for this External Link Audit
to be completed, you need to reference this library. Go to to the VB Editor
and then to Tools/References. Scroll down to Microsoft VBScript Regular
Expressions 5.5 and click on it. Then run this audit again.")
If Not fRef Then ExternalLinkChkBx = False

End If
End Sub