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Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

  1. #1
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's version
    and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins worksheets
    using the following (where A1 contained the version number and A2 contained
    the date last updated):

    Sub DisplayVersion

    Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")

    End Sub

    I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out how
    to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label within the
    UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?

    Thank you,

    Frank Hayes

  2. #2

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    Not tested but...
    If you have a Label on the form called Label1 then in the
    Userform_Initialize sub (double click the form while editing and scroll
    to this event) write

    Label1.Caption = "Version "&
    ThisWorkBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    " updated on "&ThisWorkBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")

    I put in the ThisWorkBook bit as it would use the Active workbook


  3. #3
    Norman Jones

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    Hi Frank,


    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Label1.Caption = "Version " & .Range("A1") & _
    " updated on " & .Range("A2")
    End With
    End Sub


    "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's version
    >and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins worksheets
    >using the following (where A1 contained the version number and A2 contained
    >the date last updated):
    > Sub DisplayVersion
    > Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    > " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    > End Sub
    > I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out
    > how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label within
    > the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    > Thank you,
    > Frank Hayes

  4. #4
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    Thank you both for the solutions. I really appreciate it.


    "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's version
    >and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins worksheets
    >using the following (where A1 contained the version number and A2 contained
    >the date last updated):
    > Sub DisplayVersion
    > Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    > " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    > End Sub
    > I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out
    > how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label within
    > the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    > Thank you,
    > Frank Hayes

  5. #5
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    This solution works fine in a regular workbook, but when I save it as an XLA
    add-in file I get an error of the Worksheets Object. Any ideas?


    "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's version
    >and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins worksheets
    >using the following (where A1 contained the version number and A2 contained
    >the date last updated):
    > Sub DisplayVersion
    > Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    > " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    > End Sub
    > I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out
    > how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label within
    > the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    > Thank you,
    > Frank Hayes

  6. #6
    Norman Jones

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    Hi Frank,

    What code are you using to display the userform and where is that code

    What line of code is highlighted when your error occurs?


    "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    > This solution works fine in a regular workbook, but when I save it as an
    > XLA add-in file I get an error of the Worksheets Object. Any ideas?
    > Frank
    > "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    > news:oE51f.13366$Vt3.12370@trnddc01...
    >>I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's
    >>version and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins
    >>worksheets using the following (where A1 contained the version number and
    >>A2 contained the date last updated):
    >> Sub DisplayVersion
    >> Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    >> " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    >> End Sub
    >> I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out
    >> how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label within
    >> the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    >> Thank you,
    >> Frank Hayes


  7. #7
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label


    My form name is AboutThis. I am calling it with the following subroutine:

    Sub AboutThisForm()
    Unload About.This
    End Sub

    This code is placed in a module of the XLA file and is called via a custom
    toolbar button that executes the AboutThisForm macro.

    When the error occurs, the AboutThis.Show line is highlighted.

    The exact error reads: Run Time Error '9': Subscript out of range.



    "Norman Jones" <normanjones@whereforartthou.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Frank,
    > What code are you using to display the userform and where is that code
    > placed?
    > What line of code is highlighted when your error occurs?
    > ---
    > Regards,
    > Norman
    > "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    > news:V7i1f.10254$Ll2.5073@trnddc04...
    >> This solution works fine in a regular workbook, but when I save it as an
    >> XLA add-in file I get an error of the Worksheets Object. Any ideas?
    >> Frank
    >> "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >> news:oE51f.13366$Vt3.12370@trnddc01...
    >>>I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's
    >>>version and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins
    >>>worksheets using the following (where A1 contained the version number and
    >>>A2 contained the date last updated):
    >>> Sub DisplayVersion
    >>> Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    >>> " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    >>> End Sub
    >>> I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out
    >>> how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label within
    >>> the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    >>> Thank you,
    >>> Frank Hayes



  8. #8
    Norman Jones

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    Hi Frank,

    I regret to say that I have been unable to reproduce your problem.

    To replicate the relevant elements of your scenario, I created an addin with
    a useform. I added the previously suggested UserForm_Initialize code. In a
    standard module, I added your AboutThisForm code. I attached a toolbar to
    the addin and assigned the AboutThisForm macro to a toolbar button.

    The code ran without problem when invoked by the button.

    Two inccidental points:

    I assume that the dot in
    > Unload About.This

    is a typo.

    In the form's initialize code, I changed

    >> With Worksheets("Sheet1")

    With Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")


    "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    > Norman,
    > My form name is AboutThis. I am calling it with the following
    > subroutine:
    > Sub AboutThisForm()
    > AboutThis.Show
    > Unload About.This
    > End Sub
    > This code is placed in a module of the XLA file and is called via a custom
    > toolbar button that executes the AboutThisForm macro.
    > When the error occurs, the AboutThis.Show line is highlighted.
    > The exact error reads: Run Time Error '9': Subscript out of range.
    > Thanks,
    > Frank
    > "Norman Jones" <normanjones@whereforartthou.com> wrote in message
    > news:OlVa66syFHA.2932@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
    >> Hi Frank,
    >> What code are you using to display the userform and where is that code
    >> placed?
    >> What line of code is highlighted when your error occurs?
    >> ---
    >> Regards,
    >> Norman
    >> "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >> news:V7i1f.10254$Ll2.5073@trnddc04...
    >>> This solution works fine in a regular workbook, but when I save it as an
    >>> XLA add-in file I get an error of the Worksheets Object. Any ideas?
    >>> Frank
    >>> "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >>> news:oE51f.13366$Vt3.12370@trnddc01...
    >>>>I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's
    >>>>version and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins
    >>>>worksheets using the following (where A1 contained the version number
    >>>>and A2 contained the date last updated):
    >>>> Sub DisplayVersion
    >>>> Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    >>>> " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    >>>> End Sub
    >>>> I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure out
    >>>> how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label
    >>>> within the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    >>>> Thank you,
    >>>> Frank Hayes



  9. #9
    Frank & Pam Hayes

    Re: Displaying Cell Value in UserForm Label

    Norman ... you fixed my problem! Changing

    With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    With Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

    corrected the error I was getting. I think it is going to be a long time
    until I have mastered the nuances of VBA.

    I truely appreciate all the time and effort you put into troubleshooting my
    code. Thank you.


    "Norman Jones" <normanjones@whereforartthou.com> wrote in message
    > Hi Frank,
    > I regret to say that I have been unable to reproduce your problem.
    > To replicate the relevant elements of your scenario, I created an addin
    > with a useform. I added the previously suggested UserForm_Initialize code.
    > In a standard module, I added your AboutThisForm code. I attached a
    > toolbar to the addin and assigned the AboutThisForm macro to a toolbar
    > button.
    > The code ran without problem when invoked by the button.
    > Two inccidental points:
    > I assume that the dot in
    > > Unload About.This

    > is a typo.
    > In the form's initialize code, I changed
    >>> With Worksheets("Sheet1")

    > to
    > With Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    > ---
    > Regards,
    > Norman
    > "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    > news:h4j1f.6071$Tz2.1232@trnddc02...
    >> Norman,
    >> My form name is AboutThis. I am calling it with the following
    >> subroutine:
    >> Sub AboutThisForm()
    >> AboutThis.Show
    >> Unload About.This
    >> End Sub
    >> This code is placed in a module of the XLA file and is called via a
    >> custom toolbar button that executes the AboutThisForm macro.
    >> When the error occurs, the AboutThis.Show line is highlighted.
    >> The exact error reads: Run Time Error '9': Subscript out of range.
    >> Thanks,
    >> Frank
    >> "Norman Jones" <normanjones@whereforartthou.com> wrote in message
    >> news:OlVa66syFHA.2932@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
    >>> Hi Frank,
    >>> What code are you using to display the userform and where is that code
    >>> placed?
    >>> What line of code is highlighted when your error occurs?
    >>> ---
    >>> Regards,
    >>> Norman
    >>> "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >>> news:V7i1f.10254$Ll2.5073@trnddc04...
    >>>> This solution works fine in a regular workbook, but when I save it as
    >>>> an XLA add-in file I get an error of the Worksheets Object. Any
    >>>> ideas?
    >>>> Frank
    >>>> "Frank & Pam Hayes" <hayesfj@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >>>> news:oE51f.13366$Vt3.12370@trnddc01...
    >>>>>I have created an Excel Add-In that formerly displayed the add-in's
    >>>>>version and date in a message box based on values in one of the add-ins
    >>>>>worksheets using the following (where A1 contained the version number
    >>>>>and A2 contained the date last updated):
    >>>>> Sub DisplayVersion
    >>>>> Msgbox "Version "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")& _
    >>>>> " updated on "&Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    >>>>> End Sub
    >>>>> I am trying to move this function to a UserForm but can not figure
    >>>>> out how to get data from a worksheet into a string of text in a label
    >>>>> within the UserForm. Can someone point me to an example?
    >>>>> Thank you,
    >>>>> Frank Hayes



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