Hi Every1,
I have a problem that I am unable to think of a solution - I have a workbook
that has an analysis tab on the analysis tab I have three checkboxes which I
am wnating to use to chnage the value of cells, however I want to be able to
use a combination of these check boxes - I know how to set the value of a
cell and I know I can use "IF, then, else" etc in conjunction with 1 check
box but I am stuck with multiples i.e.
Checkbox1 value = True
Checkbox2 vlue = False
Checkbox3 value = False
Cell c1 = 100
Checkbox1 value = True
Checkbox2 vlue =True
Checkbox3 value = False
Cell c1 = 200
Checkbox1 value = True
Checkbox2 vlue = False
Checkbox3 value = True
Cell c1 = 300
Checkbox1 value = True
Checkbox2 vlue = True
Checkbox3 value = True
Msgbox "Error"
I know this is a simple example but I think it explains what I am trying to
acheive, doesn't it?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.