I have a problem with a reference for the .OnAction of a command bar button.
There are two excel workbooks open. One is an XLA that is the code for the
other workbook. In each workbook there is a module called reports and a sub
called GenerateReports. The full index to the code is Reports.GenerateReports
The workbooks are names.
The OnAction is set to the code below:
.. OnAction = PlanCode.xla!Reports.GenerateReports
The problem is that the code that is being run is.
Plan1.xls!Reports.GenerateReports not the .XLA file.
I can’t seem to run the code in the xla version or Reports.GenerateReports
Other considerations:
The .xla file has the property isAddIn is set to true. Thus the workbook in
not visible.
I would also prefer not to rename either Module.Procedure name
I am running Office10 (Excel XP)
Any thought/solutions would be appreciated
Stewart Rogers
DataSort Software, L.C.