Tom, once again, thank you for your help!! That has worked perfectly, and
was exactly what I was looking for.


"Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

> Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
> Dim rng as Range
> On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
> set rng = Range("B8,C9,F12,M13,O3")
> If Not intersect(target,rng) is nothing then
> Application.EnableEvents = False
> Me.Unprotect
> If Target.Value = "Null" Then
> Target.Locked = False
> Else
> Target.Locked = True
> End If
> Me.Protect
> Application.EnableEvents = True
> End If
> ErrHandler:
> Application.EnableEvents = True
> End Sub
> if you checking to see if the cell is empty use
> if isemtpy(Target) then
> Otherwise you are checking if the string "Null" is entered in the cell
> (which may be what you want, I don't know). that said, if the cell was
> unlocked and the person entered something, then the code would lock the
> cell. So I am not sure how the user would be able to clear it - but then
> you know what you are about and I don't.
> --
> Regards,
> Tom Ogilvy
> "TBD" <> wrote in message
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I was very kindly helped out (by Tom Ogilvy) to create an event procedure
> > code that locks a cell on a worksheet as soon as something is entered into
> > that cell. The code itself is as follows:
> >
> > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
> > On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
> > If Target.Address = "$B$8" Then
> > Application.EnableEvents = False
> > Me.Unprotect
> > If Target.Value = "Null" Then
> > Range("B8").Locked = False
> > Else
> > Range("B8").Locked = True
> > End If
> > Me.Protect
> > Application.EnableEvents = True
> > End If
> > ErrHandler:
> > Application.EnableEvents = True
> > If Err.Number <> 0 Then
> > End If
> > End Sub
> >
> > However, I am now trying to to get the code to look at more than just one
> > cell, and have been struggling with this for the last day! Does anyone

> know
> > if it will be possible to do this using the code above, and if so, how

> would
> > I go about it? I have tried repeating the if loops etc. but with no luck!
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help!!
> >
> > TBD
