On the other sheet in the appropropriate cell of column A (sheet1 is the
first sheet you spoke of that may contain the name ("Name"))
Tom Ogilvy
"zangief" <zangief.1vzcqf_1127761533.1809@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:zangief.1vzcqf_1127761533.1809@excelforum-nospam.com...
> I have set up a spreadsheet where I record certain info in columns on
> one sheet (sheet A) then produce statistics based on that info on other
> sheets. When more data is collected, it is entered in the next column.
> Then I manually go the another sheet and write in the formulas to
> produce statistics. I want to set up a way to do this automatically.
> For example, if column A contains a name, then I would like to return
> the 4th cell of column A on column A of another sheet. The same for
> column B, and so forth. I can do this, but I have to keep entering
> formulas in all the columns each time I enter more data. Is there a way
> to do this so that when I enter the data, the stats are compiled
> automatically in a subsequent col on the other sheets?
> --
> zangief
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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