Hi Norman,

Hope all is well with you. I see you are still helping the masses. If you get time, please read my post about importing external
data. I've got an issue that is driving me crazy and I don't think my responders have a full grip on the real issues involved. I'll
bet you would be able to tell me what to do. If you get a chance, I posted it last night. There were several replies and
discussions, but nothing that really gets to the heart of the matter.

In any event, I'm sure we'll visit soon on something. You take care.


"Norman Jones" <normanjones@whereforartthou.com> wrote in message news:uPQG6r6wFHA.1276@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
Hi Richard,

Maybe he has had a bad reaction to the flashing?!


"R. Choate" <rchoatecpa@NoSpam.com> wrote in message
> This user hasn't responded to anything since his OP. I don't think he is
> even reading this stuff.
> --
> "John Davies" <JohnDavies@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:6FF93268-9711-4A78-9E6B-BA8DE785FEBA@microsoft.com...
> Is it possible to have flashing text in Excel?
> Say Cell A3 = 1 - Cell A4 = "Correct" (Flashing Blue Text)
> Cell A3 = 2 - Cell A4 = "Incorrect" (Flashing Red Text"
> Cell A3 = 3 - Cell A4 = "Try Again" (Non Flashing)