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Deleting all rows after the last active cell

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Deleting all rows after the last active cell

    I need to download a file on a regular basis and this number of rows in the files varies each time it is downloaded. I am using a macro on column B to carry out the MID function on column A. Once the function has been carried out I then need to copy the formula down all of column B as I don't know what the last active cell will be from one download to the next. The result is that I have thousand of excess rows which I need to delete. Can anyone give me code that will delete all rows from the last active cell onwards.



  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Deleting all rows after the last active cell

    How about just applying the formula to the rows you want.

    Dim LastRow as long
    with activesheet
    lastrow = .cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup).row
    .range("b1:B" & lastrow).formula = "=mid(yourformulahere)"
    end with

    Shirley Munro wrote:
    > I need to download a file on a regular basis and this number of rows in
    > the files varies each time it is downloaded. I am using a macro on
    > column B to carry out the MID function on column A. Once the function
    > has been carried out I then need to copy the formula down all of column
    > B as I don't know what the last active cell will be from one download to
    > the next. The result is that I have thousand of excess rows which I
    > need to delete. Can anyone give me code that will delete all rows from
    > the last active cell onwards.
    > Thanks
    > Shirley
    > --
    > Shirley Munro
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Shirley Munro's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...nfo&userid=836
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=469489


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Deleting empty rows

    Hi Dave

    Many thanks for your help - your code worked perfectly. The reason I wasn't just applying the formula to the cells I needed was that I wanted it all to run from a macro and now it does.


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