I am trying to copy a vlookup formula, using vba, down colum "U" to
rows that vary in length every time a do this report (newCount is the
variable amount of Rows). The main problem with my code is the first
argument in the vlookup formula. It has to be in relative mode down
colum "E" starting in row 2; hence x=count +1, X being the row in colum
"E". Can some one help. Here is my code.
Sub fillRange()
Dim Count As Integer
Dim newCount As Integer
Dim fCount As Integer
newCount = 215
For Count = 1 To newCount
x = Count + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(Count - 1, 0) = "=VLookup($e&(x),'Program
Lookup' _ !A2:L500, 5, False)"
Next Count
End Sub