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Select a Cell - Move Row to the Top of the screen

  1. #1

    Select a Cell - Move Row to the Top of the screen

    If I click on a cell can I make that row come to the top of the screen?

    There are a set of of rows controled together. Is only part of them are
    showing, I'd like to click on a cell at the top of the group to make that set
    of rows to come to the top of the screen.

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Select a Cell - Move Row to the Top of the screen

    Use the selection change event to detect you have clicked there. Then use

    ActiveWindow.ScrollRow to put it at the top of the window.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "CRayF" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > If I click on a cell can I make that row come to the top of the screen?
    > There are a set of of rows controled together. Is only part of them are
    > showing, I'd like to click on a cell at the top of the group to make that

    > of rows to come to the top of the screen.

  3. #3

    Re: Select a Cell - Move Row to the Top of the screen

    I'm getting a compile error. I've included the section directly below my
    comments of the code I added to the module. I'm hoping that when Cell A83 is
    selected it moves the screen so that row 83 is on top. (Note that I commented
    out the looped Target.Address until I get one working.)
    I get a compile error when I selected it.

    '<---------------- start

    ' [ AC11 - To Scroll The selected Race to the top of the screen
    ' If Target.Address = "$AC$" & j Then ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
    If Target.Address = "$A83" Then
    End If

    '<---------------- end

    Below is the entire code in case it makes it easier to understand how I'm
    using it.

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    '------- Main File Names used for this WorkBOOK ---------------
    '--*** Use Program Input Worksheet as a Master for changes ***
    Dim srcProgramDataInputWs As Worksheet
    Dim srcProgramSummaryTemplateWs As Worksheet
    Dim srcProgramSummaryWs As Worksheet
    Dim srcBettingTemplateWs As Worksheet
    Set srcProgramSummaryTemplateWs = Sheets("@TemplateProgramSummary")
    Set srcProgramSummaryWs = Sheets("ProgramSummary")
    Set srcBettingTemplateWs = Sheets("@TempleteBetting")
    Set srcProgramDataInputWs = Sheets("ProgramDataInput")
    '------- Set Variables to Workbook Names ---------------
    '--*** Use Program Input Worksheet as a Master for changes ***

    Dim raceParkPrefix As Variant
    Dim raceParkName As Variant

    raceParkPrefix = Left(srcProgramDataInputWs.Range("H3").Value, 3)
    raceParkName = Mid(srcProgramDataInputWs.Range("H3").Value, 3)

    ' MsgBox " ? " & raceParkPrefix ' Debug <-----/////--------\\\\\

    ' [ AA1 ] Switch Worksheets to the "Program Summary"
    If Target.Address = "$AC$1" Then
    End If

    ' [Q7] Static Cell Selection for DD Race Worksheet
    If Target.Address = "$Q$7" Then
    If UCase(Range("R6")) = "TRUE" Then
    Range("R6") = "FALSE"
    Range("R6") = "TRUE"
    End If
    End If

    ' [S4] Lock All and - Buttons for [Sn] starting with S11 and where n =
    every 12 rows.
    ' [Sn] Lock Race (looped) starting with S11 and where n = every 12 rows.
    ' [Qn] Race Posted (looped) starting with Q13 and where n = every 12 rows.
    ' [ LOOP (12 Rows)] Loop each set of 12 Rows x Number of Races on the
    "Program Data Input" Worksheet
    src = srcProgramDataInputWs.Range("B3").Value
    i = 3
    j = 11
    Do Until src = ""

    ' [ S4 - LOCK **ALL** - ] Loop to set the Locked Button
    If Target.Address = "$S$4" And ActiveSheet.Name <> _
    srcBettingTemplateWs.Name Then

    If Application.CountA(Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8)) <> _
    Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Count Then
    'At least one of your racers are missing.
    'code here
    'No racers are missing.
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 1).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j
    + 1).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 2).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j
    + 2).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value
    Range("S" & j).Value = ChrW(&H25BA)
    Range("T" & j).Value = "Locked"
    Range("S" & j + 5).Select
    End If
    End If

    ' [ S11 - LOCK - ] Loop to set the Locked Button
    If Target.Address = "$S$" & j And ActiveSheet.Name <> _
    srcBettingTemplateWs.Name Then
    If Range("T" & j).Value = "Locked" Then
    MsgBox "Race already locked"
    'Check to see if any racers are left blank before locking
    If Application.CountA(Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8)) <> _
    Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Count Then
    'At least one of your racers are missing.
    MsgBox "The Program RACE INFORMATION currently loaded is
    " & Range("Z1").Value & " ** At least one of your racers is missing**. You
    should not LOCK Race " & Range("A" & j + 2).Value & " before recording all
    your ' Y O U R P E R S O N A L P I C K S ' from the Program Summary
    Worksheet? If you want to do so anyway, simply add a non-blank character as
    the missing racer."

    Else 'No racers are missing.
    If MsgBox("You are about to PERMANENTLY store your 'Your
    Picks' and 'Race Program Picks' below. Are you sure you want to do this?", _
    vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 1).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 1).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 2).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 2).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value
    ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value =
    ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value
    Range("S" & j).Value = ChrW(&H25BA)
    Range("T" & j).Value = "Locked"
    End If
    End If
    End If
    Range("S" & j + 5).Select 'Move curser to First PICK choice
    End If

    ' [ Q12 - POST Button Loop to set the POST Button
    If Target.Address = "$Q$" & j + 1 Then
    If UCase(Range("R" & j)) = "TRUE" Then
    Range("R" & j) = "FALSE"
    Range("R" & j) = "TRUE"
    End If
    Range("A" & j + 5).Select
    End If

    '<---------------- start

    ' [ AC11 - To Scroll The selected Race to the top of the screen
    ' If Target.Address = "$AC$" & j Then ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
    If Target.Address = "$A83" Then
    End If

    '<---------------- end

    i = i + 12 'add for next set of (12) rows
    j = j + 12 'add for next set of (12) rows

    'Look for the existence of a Race number (no race number will end loop)
    src = srcProgramDataInputWs.Cells(i, 2).Value


    Cancel = True
    End Sub

  4. #4

    Re: Select a Cell - Move Row to the Top of the screen


    ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = Target.Row


    CRayF wrote:
    > I'm getting a compile error. I've included the section directly below my
    > comments of the code I added to the module. I'm hoping that when Cell A83 is
    > selected it moves the screen so that row 83 is on top. (Note that I commented
    > out the looped Target.Address until I get one working.)
    > I get a compile error when I selected it.
    > '<---------------- start
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' [ AC11 - To Scroll The selected Race to the top of the screen
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' If Target.Address = "$AC$" & j Then ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
    > If Target.Address = "$A83" Then
    > ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
    > End If
    > '<---------------- end
    > Below is the entire code in case it makes it easier to understand how I'm
    > using it.
    > ---------------------------
    > Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    > '------- Main File Names used for this WorkBOOK ---------------
    > '--*** Use Program Input Worksheet as a Master for changes ***
    > '--------------------------------------------------------------
    > Dim srcProgramDataInputWs As Worksheet
    > Dim srcProgramSummaryTemplateWs As Worksheet
    > Dim srcProgramSummaryWs As Worksheet
    > Dim srcBettingTemplateWs As Worksheet
    > Set srcProgramSummaryTemplateWs = Sheets("@TemplateProgramSummary")
    > Set srcProgramSummaryWs = Sheets("ProgramSummary")
    > Set srcBettingTemplateWs = Sheets("@TempleteBetting")
    > Set srcProgramDataInputWs = Sheets("ProgramDataInput")
    > '--------------------------------------------------------------
    > '------- Set Variables to Workbook Names ---------------
    > '--*** Use Program Input Worksheet as a Master for changes ***
    > '--------------------------------------------------------------
    > Dim raceParkPrefix As Variant
    > Dim raceParkName As Variant
    > raceParkPrefix = Left(srcProgramDataInputWs.Range("H3").Value, 3)
    > raceParkName = Mid(srcProgramDataInputWs.Range("H3").Value, 3)
    > ' MsgBox " ? " & raceParkPrefix ' Debug <-----/////--------\\\\\
    > '------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ' [ AA1 ] Switch Worksheets to the "Program Summary"
    > '------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > If Target.Address = "$AC$1" Then
    > Range("C2").Select
    > srcProgramSummaryWs.Activate
    > End If
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' [Q7] Static Cell Selection for DD Race Worksheet
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > If Target.Address = "$Q$7" Then
    > If UCase(Range("R6")) = "TRUE" Then
    > Range("R6") = "FALSE"
    > Range("A16").Select
    > Else
    > Range("R6") = "TRUE"
    > Range("A16").Select
    > End If
    > End If
    > '-*******************************************
    > ' [S4] Lock All and - Buttons for [Sn] starting with S11 and where n =
    > every 12 rows.
    > ' [Sn] Lock Race (looped) starting with S11 and where n = every 12 rows.
    > ' [Qn] Race Posted (looped) starting with Q13 and where n = every 12 rows.
    > '-*******************************************
    > ' [ LOOP (12 Rows)] Loop each set of 12 Rows x Number of Races on the
    > "Program Data Input" Worksheet
    > '-*******************************************
    > src = srcProgramDataInputWs.Range("B3").Value
    > i = 3
    > j = 11
    > Do Until src = ""
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' [ S4 - LOCK **ALL** - ] Loop to set the Locked Button
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > If Target.Address = "$S$4" And ActiveSheet.Name <> _
    > srcBettingTemplateWs.Name Then
    > srcBettingTemplateWs.Unprotect
    > If Application.CountA(Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8)) <> _
    > Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Count Then
    > 'At least one of your racers are missing.
    > 'code here
    > Else
    > 'No racers are missing.
    > ActiveSheet.Unprotect
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 1).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j
    > + 1).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 2).Value = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j
    > + 2).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value
    > Range("S" & j).Value = ChrW(&H25BA)
    > Range("T" & j).Value = "Locked"
    > Range("S" & j + 5).Select
    > ActiveSheet.Protect
    > srcBettingTemplateWs.Protect
    > End If
    > End If
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' [ S11 - LOCK - ] Loop to set the Locked Button
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > If Target.Address = "$S$" & j And ActiveSheet.Name <> _
    > srcBettingTemplateWs.Name Then
    > If Range("T" & j).Value = "Locked" Then
    > MsgBox "Race already locked"
    > Else
    > 'Check to see if any racers are left blank before locking
    > If Application.CountA(Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8)) <> _
    > Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Count Then
    > 'At least one of your racers are missing.
    > MsgBox "The Program RACE INFORMATION currently loaded is
    > " & Range("Z1").Value & " ** At least one of your racers is missing**. You
    > should not LOCK Race " & Range("A" & j + 2).Value & " before recording all
    > your ' Y O U R P E R S O N A L P I C K S ' from the Program Summary
    > Worksheet? If you want to do so anyway, simply add a non-blank character as
    > the missing racer."
    > Else 'No racers are missing.
    > If MsgBox("You are about to PERMANENTLY store your 'Your
    > Picks' and 'Race Program Picks' below. Are you sure you want to do this?", _
    > vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    > ActiveSheet.Unprotect
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 1).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 1).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 2).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A" & j + 2).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("K" & j & ":M" & j).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & j + 5 & ":Q" & j + 8).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("S" & j + 5 & ":S" & j + 8).Value
    > ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value =
    > ActiveSheet.Range("U" & j + 5 & ":U" & j + 8).Value
    > Range("S" & j).Value = ChrW(&H25BA)
    > Range("T" & j).Value = "Locked"
    > ActiveSheet.Protect
    > End If
    > End If
    > End If
    > Range("S" & j + 5).Select 'Move curser to First PICK choice
    > End If
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' [ Q12 - POST Button Loop to set the POST Button
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > If Target.Address = "$Q$" & j + 1 Then
    > If UCase(Range("R" & j)) = "TRUE" Then
    > Range("R" & j) = "FALSE"
    > Else
    > Range("R" & j) = "TRUE"
    > End If
    > Range("A" & j + 5).Select
    > End If
    > '<---------------- start
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' [ AC11 - To Scroll The selected Race to the top of the screen
    > '-------------------------------------------
    > ' If Target.Address = "$AC$" & j Then ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
    > If Target.Address = "$A83" Then
    > ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
    > End If
    > '<---------------- end
    > i = i + 12 'add for next set of (12) rows
    > j = j + 12 'add for next set of (12) rows
    > 'Look for the existence of a Race number (no race number will end loop)
    > src = srcProgramDataInputWs.Cells(i, 2).Value
    > Loop
    > Cancel = True
    > End Sub

  5. #5

    Re: Select a Cell - Move Row to the Top of the screen


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