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Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?

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  1. #1

    Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?

    Sorry for a second post that is similar to my previous but I did not
    receive any direction and I'm fairly well lost here.

    Can someone please give me an example of a Let and Get for a
    multidimensional array of [say] 10 rows and 2 columns (9, 1).

    What is passed back-and-forth to the class - the index and related
    values or the array itself?

    I'm using Excel XP on one machine and Excel 2002 on another (I assume
    it would be that same solution for both versions).

    Thanks everyone!


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?


    Does this help?

    Class module

    Option Explicit

    Private pArray

    Public Function GetArray()
    GetArray = pArray
    End Function

    Public Function PutArray(ary())
    pArray = ary
    End Function

    Public Function AddOne()
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(pArray) To UBound(pArray)
    pArray(i, 3) = pArray(i, 3) + 1
    Next i
    End Function

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    pArray = [{"Bob","M", 123;"Lynne","F",898;"Amy","F",543}]
    End Sub

    Normal module

    Sub TestArrayClass()
    Dim myArray
    Dim cArray As clsArray

    Set cArray = New clsArray

    With cArray
    myArray = .GetArray
    MsgBox myArray(1, 1) & " - " & myArray(1, 3)
    myArray = .GetArray
    MsgBox myArray(1, 1) & " - " & myArray(1, 3)
    End With

    End Sub


    Bob Phillips

    "Trip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Sorry for a second post that is similar to my previous but I did not
    > receive any direction and I'm fairly well lost here.
    > Can someone please give me an example of a Let and Get for a
    > multidimensional array of [say] 10 rows and 2 columns (9, 1).
    > What is passed back-and-forth to the class - the index and related
    > values or the array itself?
    > I'm using Excel XP on one machine and Excel 2002 on another (I assume
    > it would be that same solution for both versions).
    > Thanks everyone!
    > Trip

  3. #3

    Re: Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?

    Hey Bob,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. This has helped but doesn't get
    me completely out of the woods. I need to use indexes, i.e.;
    MyArray(10000,2) and I need to use the index on in the non-class

    What I am finding is that if I simply define the array without defining
    the the number of rows & columns that I get an error once I try to
    store data via an index; i.e.; MyArray(2, 2) = "something". On the
    other hand, if I do declare the array with the size parameters I can
    not "get" the array stored in the class file; i.e.; MyArray = .GetArray

    I find that this is true whether or not I use your method or standard
    Public Property Get/Let. So, it seems as though I have to use one
    array to set and another array to get - after the get I do a For i =
    LBound(MyArray) to UBound(MyArray) swap setting each element in one
    array equal to the other, then perform my operations and then set

    Any suggestions on how to avoid this?



  4. #4
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?


    If I am understanding you correctly, why not swap the whole array out of the
    class into the module (or vice versa) into a copy, and work on the copy,
    then reverse the flow. You can easily tell how many elements the array has,
    so there should be no fear of out-of-bounds.


    Bob Phillips

    "Trip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hey Bob,
    > Thanks for taking the time to reply. This has helped but doesn't get
    > me completely out of the woods. I need to use indexes, i.e.;
    > MyArray(10000,2) and I need to use the index on in the non-class
    > module.
    > What I am finding is that if I simply define the array without defining
    > the the number of rows & columns that I get an error once I try to
    > store data via an index; i.e.; MyArray(2, 2) = "something". On the
    > other hand, if I do declare the array with the size parameters I can
    > not "get" the array stored in the class file; i.e.; MyArray = .GetArray
    > I find that this is true whether or not I use your method or standard
    > Public Property Get/Let. So, it seems as though I have to use one
    > array to set and another array to get - after the get I do a For i =
    > LBound(MyArray) to UBound(MyArray) swap setting each element in one
    > array equal to the other, then perform my operations and then set
    > again.
    > Any suggestions on how to avoid this?
    > Thanks!
    > Trip

  5. #5

    Re: Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?


    You are correct in your understanding. Unfortunately, it is I who has
    a lack of understanding. Would you be able to provide me an example of
    how to swap a whole array with indexes out of AND into a class. I'm
    not able to find a way to do both while maintaining the indicies.

    This is how I am doing it right now...

    In the Class Module cArrayClass...

    Private pTestArray as Variant

    Public Property Let TestArray(ByVal iTestArray as Variant)
    pTestArray = iTestArray
    End Property
    Public Property Get TestArray() as Variant
    TestArray = pTestArray
    End Property

    Function ShiftArray

    ' Just mixes-up the array a little
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 to 3
    pTestArray(i - 1, 0) = pTestArray(i, 0)
    Next i

    End Function

    In a non-Class module...

    Sub Test
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim MyArray(3, 1) as Variant
    Dim MyArray2 as Variant
    Dim ThisTest as cArrayClass
    Set ThisTest = New cArrayClass

    MyArray(0, 0) = 1
    MyArray(0, 1) = 2
    MyArray(1, 0) = 3
    MyArray(1, 1) = 4

    ThisTest.TestArray = MyArray
    MyArray2 = ThisTest.TestArray
    ' !!! NOTE: MyArray can not accept ThisTest.TestArray !!!

    ' Swap the array back in element-by-element
    For i = LBound(MyArray2) to UBound(MyArray2)
    MyArray(i, 0) = MyArray2(i, 0)
    MyArray(i, 1) = MyArray2(i, 1)
    Next i

    For i = LBound(MyArray) to UBound(MyArray)
    Msgbox MyArray(i, 0) & ", " & MyArray(i, 1)
    Next i

    End Sub

    (Please excuse any typos - I re-entered and edited this (to provide a
    decent example) by hand while looking at another computer. I'm too
    tired to plug into my network and map drives right now. I know - this
    sounds silly :-))

    So, if you have a better way to do this I'm all ears (or eyes as the
    case may be).

    Thanks Bob!!


  6. #6

    Re: Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?

    Maybe using the Redim statement could help. Without changing the class
    module at all I got this to run (no idea if it gave me the desired
    results <g>).

    Sub Test()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim MyArray() As Variant
    Dim ThisTest As cArrayClass
    Set ThisTest = New cArrayClass

    ReDim MyArray(3, 1)
    MyArray(0, 0) = 1
    MyArray(0, 1) = 2
    MyArray(1, 0) = 3
    MyArray(1, 1) = 4

    ThisTest.TestArray = MyArray
    ReDim MyArray(3, 1)
    MyArray = ThisTest.TestArray

    For i = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)
    MsgBox MyArray(i, 0) & ", " & MyArray(i, 1)
    Next i

    End Sub

    Hope this helps

    Trip wrote:
    > Bob,
    > You are correct in your understanding. Unfortunately, it is I who has
    > a lack of understanding. Would you be able to provide me an example of
    > how to swap a whole array with indexes out of AND into a class. I'm
    > not able to find a way to do both while maintaining the indicies.
    > This is how I am doing it right now...
    > In the Class Module cArrayClass...
    > Private pTestArray as Variant
    > Public Property Let TestArray(ByVal iTestArray as Variant)
    > pTestArray = iTestArray
    > ShiftArray
    > End Property
    > Public Property Get TestArray() as Variant
    > TestArray = pTestArray
    > End Property
    > Function ShiftArray
    > ' Just mixes-up the array a little
    > Dim i As Integer
    > For i = 1 to 3
    > pTestArray(i - 1, 0) = pTestArray(i, 0)
    > Next i
    > End Function
    > In a non-Class module...
    > Sub Test
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim MyArray(3, 1) as Variant
    > Dim MyArray2 as Variant
    > Dim ThisTest as cArrayClass
    > Set ThisTest = New cArrayClass
    > MyArray(0, 0) = 1
    > MyArray(0, 1) = 2
    > MyArray(1, 0) = 3
    > MyArray(1, 1) = 4
    > ThisTest.TestArray = MyArray
    > MyArray2 = ThisTest.TestArray
    > ' !!! NOTE: MyArray can not accept ThisTest.TestArray !!!
    > ' Swap the array back in element-by-element
    > For i = LBound(MyArray2) to UBound(MyArray2)
    > MyArray(i, 0) = MyArray2(i, 0)
    > MyArray(i, 1) = MyArray2(i, 1)
    > Next i
    > For i = LBound(MyArray) to UBound(MyArray)
    > Msgbox MyArray(i, 0) & ", " & MyArray(i, 1)
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > (Please excuse any typos - I re-entered and edited this (to provide a
    > decent example) by hand while looking at another computer. I'm too
    > tired to plug into my network and map drives right now. I know - this
    > sounds silly :-))
    > So, if you have a better way to do this I'm all ears (or eyes as the
    > case may be).
    > Thanks Bob!!
    > Trip

  7. #7
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Multidimensional Arrays as Properties in Class Files?

    My example did just that Trip. What I didn't do and I am maybe suggesting
    that you do is to manipulate it in the module macro, although personally I
    would keep it all in the class.

    I will knock up a bigger example today if I get a chance and mail it to you.


    Bob Phillips

    "Trip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Bob,
    > You are correct in your understanding. Unfortunately, it is I who has
    > a lack of understanding. Would you be able to provide me an example of
    > how to swap a whole array with indexes out of AND into a class. I'm
    > not able to find a way to do both while maintaining the indicies.
    > This is how I am doing it right now...
    > In the Class Module cArrayClass...
    > Private pTestArray as Variant
    > Public Property Let TestArray(ByVal iTestArray as Variant)
    > pTestArray = iTestArray
    > ShiftArray
    > End Property
    > Public Property Get TestArray() as Variant
    > TestArray = pTestArray
    > End Property
    > Function ShiftArray
    > ' Just mixes-up the array a little
    > Dim i As Integer
    > For i = 1 to 3
    > pTestArray(i - 1, 0) = pTestArray(i, 0)
    > Next i
    > End Function
    > In a non-Class module...
    > Sub Test
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim MyArray(3, 1) as Variant
    > Dim MyArray2 as Variant
    > Dim ThisTest as cArrayClass
    > Set ThisTest = New cArrayClass
    > MyArray(0, 0) = 1
    > MyArray(0, 1) = 2
    > MyArray(1, 0) = 3
    > MyArray(1, 1) = 4
    > ThisTest.TestArray = MyArray
    > MyArray2 = ThisTest.TestArray
    > ' !!! NOTE: MyArray can not accept ThisTest.TestArray !!!
    > ' Swap the array back in element-by-element
    > For i = LBound(MyArray2) to UBound(MyArray2)
    > MyArray(i, 0) = MyArray2(i, 0)
    > MyArray(i, 1) = MyArray2(i, 1)
    > Next i
    > For i = LBound(MyArray) to UBound(MyArray)
    > Msgbox MyArray(i, 0) & ", " & MyArray(i, 1)
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > (Please excuse any typos - I re-entered and edited this (to provide a
    > decent example) by hand while looking at another computer. I'm too
    > tired to plug into my network and map drives right now. I know - this
    > sounds silly :-))
    > So, if you have a better way to do this I'm all ears (or eyes as the
    > case may be).
    > Thanks Bob!!
    > Trip

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