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Problem trying to make my DLL callback a VBA function with paramet

  1. #1

    Problem trying to make my DLL callback a VBA function with paramet

    Hi everyone,

    I have been struggling for over a week now, trying to make my DLL call a
    function written in VBA (version 6) when parameters are involved.

    I am able to call my DLL functions from VBA without any problems. The DLL
    can even call a VBA procedure (sub or function) without parameters
    successfully (using the callback technique) but as soon as parameters are
    passed with the call, an exception is raised in the VBA host application which
    makes it crash.

    I have done my homework by reading the available help files on the
    subject and searching on the web without success.

    Here the project I have built to demonstrate my problem:

    My TestDLL.dll has been developed with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET

    (1) Here is the content of DllTest.cpp:

    #include "stdafx.h"

    #define EXTERNC extern "C"
    #define DLLAPI __declspec(dllexport)
    #define WINAPI __stdcall

    typedef long (CALLBACK *PCB1) (char cVal);

    EXTERNC DLLAPI void WINAPI DllCBTest1(char cVal);

    static PCB1 theCallback = NULL;

    // Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
    DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
    LPVOID lpReserved)
    return TRUE;

    // Exported functions of the DLL
    theCallback = pCallback;
    return (DWORD)theCallback;

    EXTERNC DLLAPI void WINAPI DllCBTest1(char cVal)

    (2) Due to C++ name mangling, I have defines the function names in the
    DLLTest.def file as follows:

    LIBRARY DllTest


    (3) I compiled the project DllTest with the Calling Convention __stdcall (/Gz)
    as suggested everywere in the documentation. Then I copied the DllTest.dll
    in c:\windows\system32

    (4) In a VBA script (written under Excel 2003 for convenience purposes) I have
    created a Main module with the following code:

    ' Force explicit variable definition
    Option Explicit

    Public theByte As Byte

    Public Declare Function DllCBInit Lib "DllTest" (ByVal pCallback As
    Long) As Long

    Public Declare Sub DllCBTest1 Lib "DllTest" (ByVal cVal As Byte)

    Public Sub Callback1(cVal As Byte)
    On Error Resume Next 'to prevent error being propagated back to the caller
    theByte = cVal
    End Sub

    Public Sub TestDLLCallback()
    Dim lStatus As Long
    'Initialize the callback
    lStatus = DllCBInit(AddressOf Callback1)
    Debug.Print lStatus
    'Test the Dll callback functionality
    Call DllCBTest1(128)
    Debug.Print theByte
    End Sub

    (5) Here when I step through the TestDLLCallback() procedure, the first debug
    print displayed 59111236 (0x0385f744) as the address of the VBA callback
    procedure Callback1.

    (6) Then if I step through the Call DllCBTest1 the cursor goes to the
    Callback1() procedure as expected. The next step causes the application to

    (7) I used the Visual Studio.NET IDE to attach to the EXCEL application and
    set a breakpoint in the DLL at the DllCBTest1 function entry point. I stepped
    through the assembly code to finally realize that the application crashes
    when trying to access the content of an invalid memory location:

    651FAF5E 8B 00 mov eax,dword ptr [eax] ---> where eax = 0xCCCCCC80

    The content of eax seems to be the actual value of the passed parameter (128)
    stored as one byte in the register eax and pushed onto stack. For some unknown
    reason, this value comes back from the stack to haunt us. The assembly code
    for DllCBTest1 is as follows:

    EXTERNC DLLAPI void WINAPI DllCBTest1(char cVal)
    05741FF0 55 push ebp
    05741FF1 8B EC mov ebp,esp
    05741FF3 81 EC C0 00 00 00 sub esp,0C0h
    05741FF9 53 push ebx
    05741FFA 56 push esi
    05741FFB 57 push edi
    05741FFC 8D BD 40 FF FF FF lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
    05742002 B9 30 00 00 00 mov ecx,30h
    05742007 B8 CC CC CC CC mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
    0574200C F3 AB rep stos dword ptr [edi]
    0574200E 8B F4 mov esi,esp
    05742010 8A 45 08 mov al,byte ptr [cVal]
    05742013 50 push eax ---> 0xCCCCCC80
    05742014 FF 15 40 6B 76 05 call dword ptr [theCallback (5766B40h)]
    0574201A 3B F4 cmp esi,esp
    0574201C E8 61 F5 FF FF call @ILT+1405(__RTC_CheckEsp) (5741582h)
    05742021 5F pop edi
    05742022 5E pop esi
    05742023 5B pop ebx
    05742024 81 C4 C0 00 00 00 add esp,0C0h
    0574202A 3B EC cmp ebp,esp
    0574202C E8 51 F5 FF FF call @ILT+1405(__RTC_CheckEsp) (5741582h)
    05742031 8B E5 mov esp,ebp
    05742033 5D pop ebp
    05742034 C2 04 00 ret 4

    We can see that the parameter cVal is saved as a byte in al (byte portion of

    From what I have read on the subject, there seems to be a calling convention
    clash. Since I only have control in my DllTest library, I even tried to
    recompile it with either __cdecl and __fastcall. I obtain same results.

    The only explanation must be something silly I just can seem to figure out.

    I hope that someone would be able to see what my problem is and provide
    me with the solution.

    I have to appologize for the lenghty description but I assumed that
    the more you have to work with the easier it will be to find a solution.

    I am running under WinXP Pro 2002 with service pack 1.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2

    RE: Problem trying to make my DLL callback a VBA function with paramet

    Its me again. I do not know if anybody had a chance to look at my problem,
    but I finally found the source of my problem. In fact there are two dinstinct

    First, the reason why I couldn't pass parameters through a callback between
    my DLL and VBA is only because I forgot to add the "ByVal" keyword in front
    of the variables in the VBA callback function. This solved the main problem.

    The other problem I faced with my real application, crashing as soon as a
    callback is made, is related to the fact that the callback originates from a
    parallel thread (not the main VBA thread). It seems that a parallel thread
    cannot call properly a function in VBA which runs under the hosts main thread.

    If someone has an idea on how to solve this problem, I will appreciate any

    Right now, the way I am planning to solve the problem is by calling from VBA
    a function in my DLL which will perform any pending callbacks... This should
    work OK! However, there could be delays between the time a callback is posted
    and the time it is processed.


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