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Look Up Available Speakers

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Lightbulb Look Up Available Speakers

    I have a list of speakers (speakers sheet) on a worksheet, each speaker has checked timeshots when they are available to speak. There are only 3 time slots per day : 1. 8-12, 2. 12-5, and 3. 5-12 mid.

    Sample Record on Speakers Sheet:
    ("|" = column separator)
    Name |Mon8-12|Mon12-5|Mon5-12|Tues8-12|Tues12-5|Tues5-12|etc..Sun5-12
    Sample Row:
    Jane Doe | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | .... 0

    1 Means they checked the time above, and 0 means they did not.

    Here is my question: How can I enter a time on another worksheet (assignment sheet) for recordining speaking requests, and the assignment worksheet display a filtered list (from the main list) of who is available?

    Thanks for any advice you can offer.

  2. #2

    Re: Look Up Available Speakers

    Why use another sheet?
    Put an autofilter in the timeslots row (above the list of speakers) then by
    choosing the appropriate time slot column set the filter to =1. The list
    will show ALL rows available. You can copy the filtered list to another
    sheet if you wish.


    "JanetFan95758" <JanetFan95758.1vngyc_1127207162.4267@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > I have a list of speakers (speakers sheet) on a worksheet, each speaker
    > has checked timeshots when they are available to speak. There are only
    > 3 time slots per day : 1. 8-12, 2. 12-5, and 3. 5-12 mid.
    > Sample Record on Speakers Sheet:
    > ("|" = column separator)
    > Headers:
    > Name
    > |Mon8-12|Mon12-5|Mon5-12|Tues8-12|Tues12-5|Tues5-12|etc..Sun5-12
    > Sample Row:
    > Jane Doe | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | .... 0
    > 1 Means they checked the time above, and 0 means they did not.
    > Here is my question: How can I enter a time on another worksheet
    > (assignment sheet) for recordining speaking requests, and the
    > assignment worksheet display a filtered list (from the main list) of
    > who is available?
    > Thanks for any advice you can offer.
    > --
    > JanetFan95758
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > JanetFan95758's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=469099

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Why Another Sheet

    It is because the sheet contains MANY more columns than the ones I defined in the question (trying to keep my question simple). And several of those columns would be very much in the way. Therefore, I was hoping to use automation to either copy the rows with columns that contain needed details that match the criteria, or create a linked section in some way....but again I need guidance.

    Sorry, I can't put it all on one sheet.

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