Start with the Dim CurrentCellValue as String
As you noted you are getting an error if the current cell
is numeric since you have declared it as a String type.
If you change this to Variant you won't get the error
because Variant means all types.
The term "transpose" in excel has a specific meaning:
You first select a horizontal range and transpose this range
into a verticle range of cells; or vice versa.
In your description it sounds like you dont want to transpose;
you just want to copy colums to new columns instead of
rows to new rows.
If my read is correct then:
Change: Set Sourcerow =CurrentCell.EntireRow
To: Set SourceCol = CurrentCell.EntireColumn
TargetCol = Targetsht.Cells(1,Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column+ 1
SourceCol.Copy Destination:=Targetsht.Cells(1,TargetCol)
Set CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Offset(0,1)
You will also have to change your variable names accordingly
"markx" wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the following code (see below), that basically enables me to copy
> rows from "Master" sheet to other worksheets based on the values in column A
> (all the rows with "apple" in column "A" will be copied, one under another,
> to a new sheet (automatically created, if needed) called "apple" etc...).
> What I would like now is to slightly modify this code in order to copy
> columns (and not rows) to new worksheets, based on the values in row 1. So,
> actually I would like to "transpose" the code.
> More concretly, if my columns (in row 1, starting column B) have the
> following values:
> "apple" "bananas" "apple" "oranges" "apple" "apple"
> "bananas" "bananas"
> .... then I would like the adapted code to copy all the columns with "apple"
> value (i.e. column B, D, F, G) to the new worksheet called "apple" and paste
> them one after another (i.e. into columns B, C, D, E)
> I tried the "dummy way" changing all the "row" expressions into "column",
> and then, at the end, changing also the offset from "Offset(1, 0)" to
> "Offset(0, 1)", but apparently it's not enough. Could you please help me on
> this?
> Many thanks!
> Mark
> P.S. I know that I can transpose the data manually and then apply the code
> below, but I would like to avoid this.
> P.P.S. Somebody told me (on one of the "excel" forums) that it's better to
> replace "Dim CurrentCellValue As String" by "Dim CurrentCellValue As
> Variant". Could you also tell me what could that change?
> ----------------
> Sub CopyRowsToSheets()
> 'copy rows to worksheets based on value in column A
> 'assume the worksheet name to paste to is the value in Col A
> Dim CurrentCell As Range
> Dim SourceRow As Range
> Dim Targetsht As Worksheet
> Dim TargetRow As Long
> Dim CurrentCellValue As String
> 'start with cell A2 on "Master" sheet
> Set CurrentCell = Worksheets("Master").Cells(2, 1) 'row ... column ...
> Do While Not IsEmpty(CurrentCell)
> CurrentCellValue = CurrentCell.Value
> Set SourceRow = CurrentCell.EntireRow
> 'Check if worksheet exists
> On Error Resume Next
> Testwksht = Worksheets(CurrentCellValue).Name
> If Err.Number = 0 Then
> 'MsgBox CurrentCellValue & " worksheet Exists"
> Else
> MsgBox "Adding a new worksheet for " & CurrentCellValue
> Worksheets.Add.Name = CurrentCellValue
> End If
> On Error GoTo 0 'reset on error to trap errors again
> Set Targetsht = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(CurrentCell.Value)
> 'note: using CurrentCell.value gave me an error if the value was
> numeric
> ' Find next blank row in Targetsht - check using Column A
> TargetRow = Targetsht.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
> SourceRow.Copy Destination:=Targetsht.Cells(TargetRow, 1)
> 'do the next cell
> Set CurrentCell = CurrentCell.Offset(1, 0)
> Loop
> End Sub