Hi Friends,
1. I use the following codes for vlookup
private sub combobox1_change()
TextBox1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CLng(ComboBox1), Sheet6.Range("a2:b65536"), 2)
it is working properly, But when we reached blank record by scrolling through comboBox the run time error 13 saying type mismatch appears. How can we overcome this problem?
2.The same thing with match Command
Privat sub textbox1_afterupdate()
dim res as variant
res = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(TextBox2, Sheet6.Range("b2:b65536"), 0)
Textbox3 = Sheet6.Range("b1").Offset(res, -1).Value
it is also working properly, But when the record does not match then run time error 1004 appears. I would like to display a message "Record not Found" at this moment.
Syed Haider Ali