Hi Bo,
It's not obvious what condition you want to shade your rows. The only thing
that appears in common in your example is if 2 of 3 values <> 0
If that guess is correct try conditional formatting. Select cell A15 and in
the CF dialog
select the "Formula is" setting
Paste special formats in over the range A15:Hx where x is the last row that
might need shading.
Peter T
"Ozbobeee" <ozbobeee@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Hi,
> XL 2003.
> I have a range that spreads over Cols A:H, with a dynamic number of
> rows, starting at Row 15.
> The range is sorted into numeric order based on Cols F - H.
> I wish to employ alternate shading (Cols A - H) starting at Row 15,
> based on each series identified in Cols F - H (these are dynamic), eg
> (Note that I have only exampled Cols F - H).
> Col F Col G Col H
> R15 1 0 0 (No shade)
> R16 1 0 0 (No shade)
> R17 1 0 0 (No shade)
> R18 1 1 0 (Shading)
> R19 1 1 1 (No shade)
> R20 1 1 1 (No shade)
> R21 2 0 3 (Shading)
> R22 2 0 3 (Shading)
> R23 4 0 0 (No shade)
> etc
> etc
> I would like to automate this task, that is currently being done
> manually.
> Many Thanks
> Bob
> Maitland Australia