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Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

  1. #1

    Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.

    I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.

    Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the starting
    date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3 weeks
    following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different cells at
    any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday" but
    there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception is the
    very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the first
    might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but all the
    rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    appropriate variations of this formula:


    In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday". The cell
    immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's the
    same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the text
    "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates that fall
    on weekends.

    Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?

    I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how to do
    so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all the
    Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD

  2. #2
    Peter T

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    Look at Excel's WEEKDAY function, eg


    If it returns 0-4 it's a weekday. Lends itself nicely to conditional

    Peter T

    "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the starting
    > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3 weeks
    > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different cells at
    > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday" but
    > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception is

    > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the first
    > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but all

    > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    > appropriate variations of this formula:
    > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday". The

    > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's the
    > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the

    > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates that

    > on weekends.
    > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how to do
    > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all the
    > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD

  3. #3
    June Macleod

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    You mentioned that you already have a macro on this spreadsheet to pick up
    the first date. If you were to run the following macro after you had
    completed the selection I think it will do what you want.

    Public Sub COLOURCELL()

    For Each c In Range("workingdays")
    If Weekday(ActiveCell.Value) = 1 Or Weekday(ActiveCell.Value) = 7 Then
    With Selection.Interior
    .ColorIndex = 6
    .Pattern = xlSolid
    End With
    End If
    Next c
    End Sub


    "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the starting
    > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3 weeks
    > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different cells at
    > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday" but
    > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception is

    > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the first
    > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but all

    > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    > appropriate variations of this formula:
    > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday". The

    > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's the
    > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the

    > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates that

    > on weekends.
    > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how to do
    > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all the
    > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD

  4. #4

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    This weekday function looked promising but the same trouble may exist as
    before: the dates will always vary in any given cell. B2 may have any day
    of the week.

    When I finally got a working formula - at least, it returns a value - I get
    Thursday instead of Saturday.

    I modified this: =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")

    to what would work, which happened to be this:

    And in the cell that is formatted to show date in text format, it says
    Thursday instead of Saturday.

    Did I do something wrong?

    "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    > Look at Excel's WEEKDAY function, eg
    > =WEEKDAY(mydate,3)
    > If it returns 0-4 it's a weekday. Lends itself nicely to conditional
    > formatting.
    > Regards,
    > Peter T
    > "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > news:e#4oZqtuFHA.2504@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
    > > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    > >
    > > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    > > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    > >
    > > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the

    > > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3 weeks
    > > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different cells

    > > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday" but
    > > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception is

    > the
    > > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the

    > > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but all

    > the
    > > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    > > appropriate variations of this formula:
    > >
    > > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > >
    > > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday". The

    > cell
    > > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's

    > > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the

    > text
    > > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates that

    > fall
    > > on weekends.
    > >
    > > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    > >
    > > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how to

    > > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all the
    > > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD
    > >
    > >


  5. #5
    Peter T

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    I don't follow where/how your IF function comes into things. But one way or
    another it should be possible to use the results of the WEEKDAY function to
    CF your cells. Look in help for the second argument in the function. I used
    value 3 so that Mon-Fr returns 0-4, making it easy to return True/false in
    another formula.

    Enter a date in A1, eg Ctrl-semicolon
    In B1, =TEXT(A1,"dddd")
    Apply CF to B1 like this

    Change "Cell value is" to "Formula is"
    Apply some format

    Add condition-2, also "Formula is"
    apply a format

    Select A1:B1
    Grab the small selection handle bottom right, drag down. You should see
    Sat-Sun with different format to Mon-Fri.

    As I said, I don't follow your IF function so you will need to adapt.
    Perhaps helper cells with the same formula as above, to return simply

    Note the row ref in the formula is relative (without a $) to allow you to
    copy the formula down.

    Peter T

    "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > This weekday function looked promising but the same trouble may exist as
    > before: the dates will always vary in any given cell. B2 may have any

    > of the week.
    > When I finally got a working formula - at least, it returns a value - I

    > Thursday instead of Saturday.
    > I modified this: =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > to what would work, which happened to be this:
    > =IF(A2<>"",WEEKDAY(A2+1,3),"")
    > And in the cell that is formatted to show date in text format, it says
    > Thursday instead of Saturday.
    > Did I do something wrong?
    > "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    > news:eLX$sMuuFHA.2064@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
    > > Look at Excel's WEEKDAY function, eg
    > >
    > > =WEEKDAY(mydate,3)
    > >
    > > If it returns 0-4 it's a weekday. Lends itself nicely to conditional
    > > formatting.
    > >
    > > Regards,
    > > Peter T
    > >
    > >
    > > "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > > news:e#4oZqtuFHA.2504@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
    > > > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    > > >
    > > > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    > > > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    > > >
    > > > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the

    > starting
    > > > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3

    > > > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different

    > at
    > > > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday"

    > > > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception

    > > the
    > > > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the

    > first
    > > > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but

    > > the
    > > > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    > > > appropriate variations of this formula:
    > > >
    > > > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > > >
    > > > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday".

    > > cell
    > > > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's

    > the
    > > > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the

    > > text
    > > > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates

    > > fall
    > > > on weekends.
    > > >
    > > > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    > > >
    > > > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how

    > do
    > > > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all

    > > > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD
    > > >
    > > >

    > >
    > >


  6. #6
    Peter T

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    Another possibility -

    You say you are returning days as Text. Sat & Sun are the only days that
    start with an "S" - right? (in English at least).

    so you could change the first formula in my previous example to
    assuming day as text is in B1 and the first character in the cell relates to
    the day.

    Peter T

    "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    > I don't follow where/how your IF function comes into things. But one way

    > another it should be possible to use the results of the WEEKDAY function

    > CF your cells. Look in help for the second argument in the function. I

    > value 3 so that Mon-Fr returns 0-4, making it easy to return True/false in
    > another formula.
    > Enter a date in A1, eg Ctrl-semicolon
    > In B1, =TEXT(A1,"dddd")
    > Apply CF to B1 like this
    > Change "Cell value is" to "Formula is"
    > =WEEKDAY($A1,3)<5
    > Apply some format
    > Add condition-2, also "Formula is"
    > =WEEKDAY($A1,3)>4
    > apply a format
    > Select A1:B1
    > Grab the small selection handle bottom right, drag down. You should see
    > Sat-Sun with different format to Mon-Fri.
    > As I said, I don't follow your IF function so you will need to adapt.
    > Perhaps helper cells with the same formula as above, to return simply
    > True/false.
    > Note the row ref in the formula is relative (without a $) to allow you to
    > copy the formula down.
    > Regards,
    > Peter T
    > "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > news:etIslkvuFHA.2840@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
    > > This weekday function looked promising but the same trouble may exist as
    > > before: the dates will always vary in any given cell. B2 may have any

    > day
    > > of the week.
    > >
    > > When I finally got a working formula - at least, it returns a value - I

    > get
    > > Thursday instead of Saturday.
    > >
    > > I modified this: =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > >
    > > to what would work, which happened to be this:
    > > =IF(A2<>"",WEEKDAY(A2+1,3),"")
    > >
    > > And in the cell that is formatted to show date in text format, it says
    > > Thursday instead of Saturday.
    > >
    > > Did I do something wrong?
    > >
    > >
    > > "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    > > news:eLX$sMuuFHA.2064@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
    > > > Look at Excel's WEEKDAY function, eg
    > > >
    > > > =WEEKDAY(mydate,3)
    > > >
    > > > If it returns 0-4 it's a weekday. Lends itself nicely to conditional
    > > > formatting.
    > > >
    > > > Regards,
    > > > Peter T
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > > > news:e#4oZqtuFHA.2504@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
    > > > > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    > > > >
    > > > > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that

    > > > > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    > > > >
    > > > > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the

    > > starting
    > > > > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3

    > weeks
    > > > > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different

    > cells
    > > at
    > > > > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday"

    > but
    > > > > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception

    > is
    > > > the
    > > > > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the

    > > first
    > > > > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but

    > all
    > > > the
    > > > > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    > > > > appropriate variations of this formula:
    > > > >
    > > > > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > > > >
    > > > > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday".

    > The
    > > > cell
    > > > > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since

    > > the
    > > > > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for

    > > > text
    > > > > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates

    > that
    > > > fall
    > > > > on weekends.
    > > > >
    > > > > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    > > > >
    > > > > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how

    > to
    > > do
    > > > > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all

    > the
    > > > > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > >
    > > >

    > >
    > >


  7. #7

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.
    I actually enter one date only and the "+1" in the formula populates
    all the rest. <sigh> I'm still basically just a newbie guys. I
    still can't make heads or tails out of everything <g>. Yes, I already
    did look at the help file but no examples show much flexibility and I
    always have trouble figuring out the parameters, or whatever. I
    started doing a google search for examples, a common practice for me,
    so that I can see code in action. But so far nothing came up that

    (The IF is just to keep cells blank till there is an entry in the cell
    a formula is dependent on. It makes it easier to work with
    spreadsheets, I find.)


    On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 14:12:49 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>

    >I don't follow where/how your IF function comes into things. But one way or
    >another it should be possible to use the results of the WEEKDAY function to
    >CF your cells. Look in help for the second argument in the function. I used
    >value 3 so that Mon-Fr returns 0-4, making it easy to return True/false in
    >another formula.
    >Enter a date in A1, eg Ctrl-semicolon
    >In B1, =TEXT(A1,"dddd")
    >Apply CF to B1 like this
    >Change "Cell value is" to "Formula is"
    >Apply some format
    >Add condition-2, also "Formula is"
    >apply a format
    >Select A1:B1
    >Grab the small selection handle bottom right, drag down. You should see
    >Sat-Sun with different format to Mon-Fri.
    >As I said, I don't follow your IF function so you will need to adapt.
    >Perhaps helper cells with the same formula as above, to return simply
    >Note the row ref in the formula is relative (without a $) to allow you to
    >copy the formula down.
    >Peter T
    >"StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    >> This weekday function looked promising but the same trouble may exist as
    >> before: the dates will always vary in any given cell. B2 may have any

    >> of the week.
    >> When I finally got a working formula - at least, it returns a value - I

    >> Thursday instead of Saturday.
    >> I modified this: =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    >> to what would work, which happened to be this:
    >> =IF(A2<>"",WEEKDAY(A2+1,3),"")
    >> And in the cell that is formatted to show date in text format, it says
    >> Thursday instead of Saturday.
    >> Did I do something wrong?
    >> "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    >> news:eLX$sMuuFHA.2064@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
    >> > Look at Excel's WEEKDAY function, eg
    >> >
    >> > =WEEKDAY(mydate,3)
    >> >
    >> > If it returns 0-4 it's a weekday. Lends itself nicely to conditional
    >> > formatting.
    >> >
    >> > Regards,
    >> > Peter T
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    >> > news:e#4oZqtuFHA.2504@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
    >> > > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    >> > >
    >> > > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    >> > > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    >> > >
    >> > > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the

    >> starting
    >> > > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3

    >> > > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different

    >> at
    >> > > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday"

    >> > > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception

    >> > the
    >> > > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the

    >> first
    >> > > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but

    >> > the
    >> > > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    >> > > appropriate variations of this formula:
    >> > >
    >> > > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    >> > >
    >> > > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday".

    >> > cell
    >> > > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's

    >> the
    >> > > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the
    >> > text
    >> > > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates

    >> > fall
    >> > > on weekends.
    >> > >
    >> > > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    >> > >
    >> > > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how

    >> do
    >> > > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all

    >> > > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD
    >> > >
    >> > >
    >> >
    >> >



  8. #8

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    Thank you! Yes and I understood that. But my vb skills aren't up to
    finetuning this if it doesn't work (and they never do until tweaked,
    that's for sure <lol>). Also, I'd definitely want to chain it to the
    first macro somehow. Keep it simple is what I need and one button for
    this sheet is enough! <g>

    If the weekday function works, it'll be easier to use the conditional
    formatting. It seems worth pursuing until I find it definitely
    doesn't work.

    Thanks so much! :oD

    On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 18:59:11 +0100, "June Macleod"
    <junework@hotmail.com> wrote:

    >You mentioned that you already have a macro on this spreadsheet to pick up
    >the first date. If you were to run the following macro after you had
    >completed the selection I think it will do what you want.
    >Public Sub COLOURCELL()
    > For Each c In Range("workingdays")
    > c.Select
    > If Weekday(ActiveCell.Value) = 1 Or Weekday(ActiveCell.Value) = 7 Then
    > With Selection.Interior
    > .ColorIndex = 6
    > .Pattern = xlSolid
    > End With
    > End If
    > Next c
    >End Sub
    >"StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    >> Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    >> I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that weekends
    >> aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    >> Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the starting
    >> date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3 weeks
    >> following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different cells at
    >> any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or "Sunday" but
    >> there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only exception is

    >> very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So the first
    >> might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but all

    >> rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    >> appropriate variations of this formula:
    >> =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    >> In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday". The

    >> immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since it's the
    >> same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for the

    >> "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates that

    >> on weekends.
    >> Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these conditions?
    >> I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out how to do
    >> so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all the
    >> Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD


  9. #9
    Peter T

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    > Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.

    I've no idea !!

    Is your problem you only want to apply CF if the your IF formula returns a
    data and not return ""


    If using my "S" test also combine with a similar AND function

    Peter T

    "StargateFan" <IDon'tAcceptSpam@IDon'tAcceptSpam.com> wrote in message
    > Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.
    > I actually enter one date only and the "+1" in the formula populates
    > all the rest. <sigh> I'm still basically just a newbie guys. I
    > still can't make heads or tails out of everything <g>. Yes, I already
    > did look at the help file but no examples show much flexibility and I
    > always have trouble figuring out the parameters, or whatever. I
    > started doing a google search for examples, a common practice for me,
    > so that I can see code in action. But so far nothing came up that
    > helps.
    > (The IF is just to keep cells blank till there is an entry in the cell
    > a formula is dependent on. It makes it easier to work with
    > spreadsheets, I find.)
    > Thanks.
    > *******************************
    > On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 14:12:49 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>
    > wrote:
    > >I don't follow where/how your IF function comes into things. But one way

    > >another it should be possible to use the results of the WEEKDAY function

    > >CF your cells. Look in help for the second argument in the function. I

    > >value 3 so that Mon-Fr returns 0-4, making it easy to return True/false

    > >another formula.
    > >
    > >Enter a date in A1, eg Ctrl-semicolon
    > >In B1, =TEXT(A1,"dddd")
    > >Apply CF to B1 like this
    > >
    > >Change "Cell value is" to "Formula is"
    > >=WEEKDAY($A1,3)<5
    > >Apply some format
    > >
    > >Add condition-2, also "Formula is"
    > >=WEEKDAY($A1,3)>4
    > >apply a format
    > >
    > >Select A1:B1
    > >Grab the small selection handle bottom right, drag down. You should see
    > >Sat-Sun with different format to Mon-Fri.
    > >
    > >As I said, I don't follow your IF function so you will need to adapt.
    > >Perhaps helper cells with the same formula as above, to return simply
    > >True/false.
    > >
    > >Note the row ref in the formula is relative (without a $) to allow you to
    > >copy the formula down.
    > >
    > >Regards,
    > >Peter T
    > >
    > >
    > >"StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > >news:etIslkvuFHA.2840@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
    > >> This weekday function looked promising but the same trouble may exist

    > >> before: the dates will always vary in any given cell. B2 may have any

    > >day
    > >> of the week.
    > >>
    > >> When I finally got a working formula - at least, it returns a value - I

    > >get
    > >> Thursday instead of Saturday.
    > >>
    > >> I modified this: =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > >>
    > >> to what would work, which happened to be this:
    > >> =IF(A2<>"",WEEKDAY(A2+1,3),"")
    > >>
    > >> And in the cell that is formatted to show date in text format, it says
    > >> Thursday instead of Saturday.
    > >>
    > >> Did I do something wrong?
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    > >> news:eLX$sMuuFHA.2064@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
    > >> > Look at Excel's WEEKDAY function, eg
    > >> >
    > >> > =WEEKDAY(mydate,3)
    > >> >
    > >> > If it returns 0-4 it's a weekday. Lends itself nicely to conditional
    > >> > formatting.
    > >> >
    > >> > Regards,
    > >> > Peter T
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >> > "StargateFanFromWork" <noSpam@NoJunkMail.com> wrote in message
    > >> > news:e#4oZqtuFHA.2504@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
    > >> > > Hope the subject line isn't totally muddy <g>.
    > >> > >
    > >> > > I have a spreadsheet that is super. The only trouble is that

    > >> > > aren't differentiated from weekdays in any way.
    > >> > >
    > >> > > Since the spreadsheet contains a macro for the user to select the
    > >> starting
    > >> > > date and then the rest of the spreadsheet is then populated for 3

    > >weeks
    > >> > > following that date, Saturday and Sunday always fall on different

    > >cells
    > >> at
    > >> > > any given time. Also, affected cells may say "Saturday" or

    > >but
    > >> > > there is actually only a formula in any of them. The only

    > >is
    > >> > the
    > >> > > very first cell which is the initial one the macro dumps to. So

    > >> first
    > >> > > might read "Friday" if I choose today's date in the prompt box, but

    > >all
    > >> > the
    > >> > > rest of the days of the weeks shown display the dates according to
    > >> > > appropriate variations of this formula:
    > >> > >
    > >> > > =IF(A2<>"",A2+1,"")
    > >> > >
    > >> > > In today's example, this actual formula above displays "Saturday".

    > >The
    > >> > cell
    > >> > > immediately below displays "Sep.17.2005". I'm hoping that since

    > >> the
    > >> > > same type formatting issue, hopefully resolving cell colouring for

    > >> > text
    > >> > > "Saturday" issue will lead me to figure out how to do so for dates

    > >that
    > >> > fall
    > >> > > on weekends.
    > >> > >
    > >> > > Is there a way to do this cell colour change under these

    > >> > >
    > >> > > I'm in favour of conditional formatting, but couldn't figure out

    > >to
    > >> do
    > >> > > so because of the fact above that no actual text is found where all

    > >the
    > >> > > Saturdays and Sundays are, only the formula. Tx.! :oD
    > >> > >
    > >> > >
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >>

    > >


  10. #10

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 15:02:24 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>

    >> Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.

    >I've no idea !!

    <lol> Oh my lord, I'm going around in circles and I'm starting to
    affect everyone else ...

    I'm just not understanding exactly what I'm to do. I know as just a
    power user that that happens often, but after wrapping my brain around
    all the suggestions, I'm no closer. I think I'm missing something,
    something perhaps new that I don't know about.

    Fortunately, I found out about a very neat new service called you send
    it. I've just "uploaded' the template in question. It's available at
    the following link for a limited time, I think it's a few days:
    Pls access it, if you would, anyone, to see what I've been trying to

    If you do look at it, you'll see a sheet that a macro populates with
    user inputing on the starter date, which is neat. The form is
    completely blank because of the IF part in each formula.

    What would really, really help and what I need is that any cells
    falling on the weekend days of Saturday and Sunday, that they change
    colour. Let's just say the 2 lighter greys in the available colours,
    say. To give an example, if you choose today's date and that's put in
    A1 and A2, that A3 changes to the lightest grey and A1 and A2 change
    to the 2nd lightest grey (or just 1 grey if that's all that can be
    done). But without having a second macro to change the colours. I
    just know my limitations and would prefer the colour change be built
    right into the cells themselves. Hopefully the conditional formatting
    can be worked into that somehow.

    Thanks so much! Appreciate everyone's help so far. It's not anyone's
    fault I'm not getting.

    >Is your problem you only want to apply CF if the your IF formula returns a
    >data and not return ""
    >If using my "S" test also combine with a similar AND function
    >Peter T
    >"StargateFan" <IDon'tAcceptSpam@IDon'tAcceptSpam.com> wrote in message
    >> Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.
    >> I actually enter one date only and the "+1" in the formula populates
    >> all the rest. <sigh> I'm still basically just a newbie guys. I
    >> still can't make heads or tails out of everything <g>. Yes, I already
    >> did look at the help file but no examples show much flexibility and I
    >> always have trouble figuring out the parameters, or whatever. I
    >> started doing a google search for examples, a common practice for me,
    >> so that I can see code in action. But so far nothing came up that
    >> helps.
    >> (The IF is just to keep cells blank till there is an entry in the cell
    >> a formula is dependent on. It makes it easier to work with
    >> spreadsheets, I find.)
    >> Thanks.
    >> *******************************
    >> On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 14:12:49 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>
    >> wrote:
    >> >I don't follow where/how your IF function comes into things. But one way

    >> >another it should be possible to use the results of the WEEKDAY function

    >> >CF your cells. Look in help for the second argument in the function. I

    >> >value 3 so that Mon-Fr returns 0-4, making it easy to return True/false

    >> >another formula.
    >> >
    >> >Enter a date in A1, eg Ctrl-semicolon
    >> >In B1, =TEXT(A1,"dddd")
    >> >Apply CF to B1 like this
    >> >
    >> >Change "Cell value is" to "Formula is"
    >> >=WEEKDAY($A1,3)<5
    >> >Apply some format
    >> >
    >> >Add condition-2, also "Formula is"
    >> >=WEEKDAY($A1,3)>4
    >> >apply a format
    >> >
    >> >Select A1:B1
    >> >Grab the small selection handle bottom right, drag down. You should see
    >> >Sat-Sun with different format to Mon-Fri.
    >> >
    >> >As I said, I don't follow your IF function so you will need to adapt.
    >> >Perhaps helper cells with the same formula as above, to return simply
    >> >True/false.
    >> >
    >> >Note the row ref in the formula is relative (without a $) to allow you to
    >> >copy the formula down.
    >> >
    >> >Regards,
    >> >Peter T


  11. #11
    Peter T

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    OK I got your file and think I follow. We were so nearly there!

    First to clarify to others to avoid downloading your file.

    A1 contains a day name as a string, that of the date in A2
    A2 contains a Date
    A3 is an empty cell

    A1 & A2 are populated with a macro (before the macro is run the cells are

    A1 & A2, CF with medium grey and A3 with light grey, if A2 is a Sat or Sun
    and A2 actually has a date.

    This pattern of 3 cells is repeated 3*7 times with incremented dates by use
    of an If formulas

    CF's for A1, A2 & A3 will have exactly the same formula using the "Formula
    Is" setting:

    Format colour for A1 & A2 medium grey, light grey for A3
    Copy A1:A3 an pastespecial formats over the entire area, a multiple of 3

    Peter T

    "StargateFan" <IDon'tAcceptSpam@IDon'tAcceptSpam.com> wrote in message
    > On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 15:02:24 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>
    > wrote:
    > >> Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.

    > >
    > >I've no idea !!

    > <lol> Oh my lord, I'm going around in circles and I'm starting to
    > affect everyone else ...
    > I'm just not understanding exactly what I'm to do. I know as just a
    > power user that that happens often, but after wrapping my brain around
    > all the suggestions, I'm no closer. I think I'm missing something,
    > something perhaps new that I don't know about.
    > Fortunately, I found out about a very neat new service called you send
    > it. I've just "uploaded' the template in question. It's available at
    > the following link for a limited time, I think it's a few days:
    > http://s51.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0...826G7278BKOLE9
    > Pls access it, if you would, anyone, to see what I've been trying to
    > do.
    > If you do look at it, you'll see a sheet that a macro populates with
    > user inputing on the starter date, which is neat. The form is
    > completely blank because of the IF part in each formula.
    > What would really, really help and what I need is that any cells
    > falling on the weekend days of Saturday and Sunday, that they change
    > colour. Let's just say the 2 lighter greys in the available colours,
    > say. To give an example, if you choose today's date and that's put in
    > A1 and A2, that A3 changes to the lightest grey and A1 and A2 change
    > to the 2nd lightest grey (or just 1 grey if that's all that can be
    > done). But without having a second macro to change the colours. I
    > just know my limitations and would prefer the colour change be built
    > right into the cells themselves. Hopefully the conditional formatting
    > can be worked into that somehow.
    > Thanks so much! Appreciate everyone's help so far. It's not anyone's
    > fault I'm not getting.
    > >Is your problem you only want to apply CF if the your IF formula returns

    > >data and not return ""
    > >
    > >=AND(WEEKDAY($A1,3)>4,$A1<>"")
    > >=AND(WEEKDAY($A1,3)<5,$A1<>"")
    > >
    > >If using my "S" test also combine with a similar AND function
    > >
    > >Regards,
    > >Peter T
    > >
    > >"StargateFan" <IDon'tAcceptSpam@IDon'tAcceptSpam.com> wrote in message
    > >news:qi6oi1lntq79tso5jsbhctcovtro5e9d51@4ax.com...
    > >> Okay, but I'm still lost. Where does the "+1" come into affect.
    > >> I actually enter one date only and the "+1" in the formula populates
    > >> all the rest. <sigh> I'm still basically just a newbie guys. I
    > >> still can't make heads or tails out of everything <g>. Yes, I already
    > >> did look at the help file but no examples show much flexibility and I
    > >> always have trouble figuring out the parameters, or whatever. I
    > >> started doing a google search for examples, a common practice for me,
    > >> so that I can see code in action. But so far nothing came up that
    > >> helps.
    > >>
    > >> (The IF is just to keep cells blank till there is an entry in the cell
    > >> a formula is dependent on. It makes it easier to work with
    > >> spreadsheets, I find.)
    > >>
    > >> Thanks.
    > >>
    > >> *******************************
    > >> On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 14:12:49 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>
    > >> wrote:
    > >>
    > >> >I don't follow where/how your IF function comes into things. But one

    > >or
    > >> >another it should be possible to use the results of the WEEKDAY

    > >to
    > >> >CF your cells. Look in help for the second argument in the function. I

    > >used
    > >> >value 3 so that Mon-Fr returns 0-4, making it easy to return

    > >in
    > >> >another formula.
    > >> >
    > >> >Enter a date in A1, eg Ctrl-semicolon
    > >> >In B1, =TEXT(A1,"dddd")
    > >> >Apply CF to B1 like this
    > >> >
    > >> >Change "Cell value is" to "Formula is"
    > >> >=WEEKDAY($A1,3)<5
    > >> >Apply some format
    > >> >
    > >> >Add condition-2, also "Formula is"
    > >> >=WEEKDAY($A1,3)>4
    > >> >apply a format
    > >> >
    > >> >Select A1:B1
    > >> >Grab the small selection handle bottom right, drag down. You should

    > >> >Sat-Sun with different format to Mon-Fri.
    > >> >
    > >> >As I said, I don't follow your IF function so you will need to adapt.
    > >> >Perhaps helper cells with the same formula as above, to return simply
    > >> >True/false.
    > >> >
    > >> >Note the row ref in the formula is relative (without a $) to allow you

    > >> >copy the formula down.
    > >> >
    > >> >Regards,
    > >> >Peter T

    > [snip]

  12. #12

    Re: Cell colour chg when formula results equal a weekend day, i.e., "Saturday" and a date that falls on a Saturday?

    On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:02:09 +0100, "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions>

    >OK I got your file and think I follow. We were so nearly there!
    >First to clarify to others to avoid downloading your file.
    >A1 contains a day name as a string, that of the date in A2
    >A2 contains a Date
    >A3 is an empty cell
    >A1 & A2 are populated with a macro (before the macro is run the cells are
    >A1 & A2, CF with medium grey and A3 with light grey, if A2 is a Sat or Sun
    >and A2 actually has a date.
    >This pattern of 3 cells is repeated 3*7 times with incremented dates by use
    >of an If formulas
    >CF's for A1, A2 & A3 will have exactly the same formula using the "Formula
    >Is" setting:
    >Format colour for A1 & A2 medium grey, light grey for A3
    >Copy A1:A3 an pastespecial formats over the entire area, a multiple of 3
    >Peter T

    Thank you. I will look at this tonight. At least you're still saying
    it's do-able! <lol>

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