Hi John

I only have examples for Winzip

I don't think it is possible with the Win XP zip program

Regards Ron de Bruin

<johndouglas2005@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message news:1126725936.934848.28970@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com...
> Hi
> I've been searching the web looking for a way to compress my
> spreadsheets using VBA and the compression software that come as
> default with xp.
> I'd love to just install another program to zip my files with vba but
> my work place will take a dim view of me downloading apps.
> So, can anyone please provide me with the simple code i can cut and
> paste. Or can the experts on the web and myself work on this till we
> have a code we can all cut and paste.
> I've seen various attampts across the web to do this ... but none seem
> to work.
> So, any experts with any ideas?
> Thanks
> JD