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Strange VBA speed issue based on whether overwritten file originally existed or not (?I think?). Excel from Access VBA

  1. #1
    A C

    Strange VBA speed issue based on whether overwritten file originally existed or not (?I think?). Excel from Access VBA


    We are copying some data into Excel (2000) via VBA code in an Access
    database (2000). The general idea is we copy the data into an existing
    template spreadsheet, and as such we first open the existing template, and
    then do a SaveAs to generate the desired results spreadsheet, and then in
    later code we start chucking the data into it and doing various things,
    followed by the final save.

    For some reason we are getting very *very* different speeds based on whether
    the SaveAs is overwritting an existing file (fast) cf the SaveAs making a
    brand new file. The speed differences are ~10times greater.

    As an example if I had an existing file called c:\Example\myFile.xls, the
    VBA code would open the template, execute the .SaveAs method which posts a
    warning checking we want to overwrite the existing file, then we do our
    processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close. This
    takes ~10secs.
    If however we did not have an existing file, the VBA code would open the
    template, execute the .SaveAs method which will not post a warning about
    overwriting the existing file as the existing file does not exist, then we
    do our processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close.
    This takes ~100secs

    There is NO difference in execution paths in the code based on whether the
    files exist or not, the .SaveAs is executed regardless of whether the file
    existed or not. The only perceivable difference is that Excel pops a
    warning if the file already existed. The code is posted below

    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Open(templateFile)
    xlApp.Calculation = xlManual
    If bPassword Then
    tThisPassWord = GThisPassWord
    tThisPassWord = ""
    End If

    With xlWorkbook
    .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    End With

    <Copy our data over and do some processing and formatting etc>

    With xlWorkbook
    End With

    We are also getting the very slow execution if we do the following,
    *regardless* of whether the file existed previously or not:
    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    With xlWorkbook
    .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    End With
    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    So if we turn off alerts the code execution is slow as well...

    Can anyone help us understand what the issue here is? At this stage we are
    not looking for workarounds (such as not doing the first saveAs until the
    end), we are looking to trace the cause so that we can eliminate it from
    this and any other apps we have.

    Please reply to group, email is bogus due to spam killing my NG email

    Thanks for help

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Strange VBA speed issue based on whether overwritten file originallyexisted or not (?I think?). Excel from Access VBA

    Excel has a Kill command that can be used to delete files.

    I bet that Access has a similar command(???).

    Maybe instead of overwriting the file, you could just delete the existing file:

    In Excel's VBA, I'd do:

    on error resume next
    kill ExportFileName
    on error goto 0

    (on error resume next--just in case that file doesn't exist)

    A C wrote:
    > Hello
    > We are copying some data into Excel (2000) via VBA code in an Access
    > database (2000). The general idea is we copy the data into an existing
    > template spreadsheet, and as such we first open the existing template, and
    > then do a SaveAs to generate the desired results spreadsheet, and then in
    > later code we start chucking the data into it and doing various things,
    > followed by the final save.
    > For some reason we are getting very *very* different speeds based on whether
    > the SaveAs is overwritting an existing file (fast) cf the SaveAs making a
    > brand new file. The speed differences are ~10times greater.
    > As an example if I had an existing file called c:\Example\myFile.xls, the
    > VBA code would open the template, execute the .SaveAs method which posts a
    > warning checking we want to overwrite the existing file, then we do our
    > processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close. This
    > takes ~10secs.
    > If however we did not have an existing file, the VBA code would open the
    > template, execute the .SaveAs method which will not post a warning about
    > overwriting the existing file as the existing file does not exist, then we
    > do our processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close.
    > This takes ~100secs
    > There is NO difference in execution paths in the code based on whether the
    > files exist or not, the .SaveAs is executed regardless of whether the file
    > existed or not. The only perceivable difference is that Excel pops a
    > warning if the file already existed. The code is posted below
    > Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    > Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Open(templateFile)
    > xlApp.Calculation = xlManual
    > If bPassword Then
    > tThisPassWord = GThisPassWord
    > Else
    > tThisPassWord = ""
    > End If
    > With xlWorkbook
    > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > End With
    > <Copy our data over and do some processing and formatting etc>
    > With xlWorkbook
    > .Save
    > .Close
    > End With
    > We are also getting the very slow execution if we do the following,
    > *regardless* of whether the file existed previously or not:
    > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    > With xlWorkbook
    > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > End With
    > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    > So if we turn off alerts the code execution is slow as well...
    > Can anyone help us understand what the issue here is? At this stage we are
    > not looking for workarounds (such as not doing the first saveAs until the
    > end), we are looking to trace the cause so that we can eliminate it from
    > this and any other apps we have.
    > Please reply to group, email is bogus due to spam killing my NG email
    > address
    > Thanks for help
    > Andrew


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    A C

    Re: Strange VBA speed issue based on whether overwritten file originally existed or not (?I think?). Excel from Access VBA

    "Dave Peterson" <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote in message
    > Excel has a Kill command that can be used to delete files.
    > I bet that Access has a similar command(???).
    > Maybe instead of overwriting the file, you could just delete the existing

    > In Excel's VBA, I'd do:
    > on error resume next
    > kill ExportFileName
    > on error goto 0
    > (on error resume next--just in case that file doesn't exist)

    Thanks Mr Peterson, but unfortunately that simply results in the slow
    situation appearing ie by deleting the file first we are now in the "file
    did not exist" situation which is the slow one. (and we tried this idea
    already )

    I am at a loss as to what is going on here... Anyone???
    The resulting file is ~3-4Meg, the template prior to entry is ~250kb. Is
    there some memory/chache optimisation going on here whereby overwriting a
    larger file with a smaller one and then editing the smaller one (which will
    eventually become larger ~3-4Mb) is faster...?


    > A C wrote:
    > >
    > > Hello
    > >
    > > We are copying some data into Excel (2000) via VBA code in an Access
    > > database (2000). The general idea is we copy the data into an existing
    > > template spreadsheet, and as such we first open the existing template,

    > > then do a SaveAs to generate the desired results spreadsheet, and then

    > > later code we start chucking the data into it and doing various things,
    > > followed by the final save.
    > >
    > > For some reason we are getting very *very* different speeds based on

    > > the SaveAs is overwritting an existing file (fast) cf the SaveAs making

    > > brand new file. The speed differences are ~10times greater.
    > >
    > > As an example if I had an existing file called c:\Example\myFile.xls,

    > > VBA code would open the template, execute the .SaveAs method which posts

    > > warning checking we want to overwrite the existing file, then we do our
    > > processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close.

    > > takes ~10secs.
    > > If however we did not have an existing file, the VBA code would open the
    > > template, execute the .SaveAs method which will not post a warning about
    > > overwriting the existing file as the existing file does not exist, then

    > > do our processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and

    > > This takes ~100secs
    > >
    > > There is NO difference in execution paths in the code based on whether

    > > files exist or not, the .SaveAs is executed regardless of whether the

    > > existed or not. The only perceivable difference is that Excel pops a
    > > warning if the file already existed. The code is posted below
    > >
    > > Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    > > Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Open(templateFile)
    > > xlApp.Calculation = xlManual
    > > If bPassword Then
    > > tThisPassWord = GThisPassWord
    > > Else
    > > tThisPassWord = ""
    > > End If
    > >
    > > With xlWorkbook
    > > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > > End With
    > >
    > > <Copy our data over and do some processing and formatting etc>
    > >
    > > With xlWorkbook
    > > .Save
    > > .Close
    > > End With
    > >
    > > We are also getting the very slow execution if we do the following,
    > > *regardless* of whether the file existed previously or not:
    > > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    > > With xlWorkbook
    > > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > > End With
    > > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    > > So if we turn off alerts the code execution is slow as well...
    > >
    > > Can anyone help us understand what the issue here is? At this stage we

    > > not looking for workarounds (such as not doing the first saveAs until

    > > end), we are looking to trace the cause so that we can eliminate it from
    > > this and any other apps we have.
    > >
    > > Please reply to group, email is bogus due to spam killing my NG email
    > > address
    > >
    > > Thanks for help
    > > Andrew

    > --
    > Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    A C

    Re: Strange VBA speed issue based on whether overwritten file originally existed or not (?I think?). Excel from Access VBA

    FWIW, this problem is *not* present using Office 2002 on an XP machine

    "A C" <no@sp.am> wrote in message
    > Hello
    > We are copying some data into Excel (2000) via VBA code in an Access
    > database (2000). The general idea is we copy the data into an existing
    > template spreadsheet, and as such we first open the existing template, and
    > then do a SaveAs to generate the desired results spreadsheet, and then in
    > later code we start chucking the data into it and doing various things,
    > followed by the final save.
    > For some reason we are getting very *very* different speeds based on

    > the SaveAs is overwritting an existing file (fast) cf the SaveAs making a
    > brand new file. The speed differences are ~10times greater.
    > As an example if I had an existing file called c:\Example\myFile.xls, the
    > VBA code would open the template, execute the .SaveAs method which posts a
    > warning checking we want to overwrite the existing file, then we do our
    > processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close. This
    > takes ~10secs.
    > If however we did not have an existing file, the VBA code would open the
    > template, execute the .SaveAs method which will not post a warning about
    > overwriting the existing file as the existing file does not exist, then we
    > do our processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and

    > This takes ~100secs
    > There is NO difference in execution paths in the code based on whether the
    > files exist or not, the .SaveAs is executed regardless of whether the file
    > existed or not. The only perceivable difference is that Excel pops a
    > warning if the file already existed. The code is posted below
    > Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    > Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Open(templateFile)
    > xlApp.Calculation = xlManual
    > If bPassword Then
    > tThisPassWord = GThisPassWord
    > Else
    > tThisPassWord = ""
    > End If
    > With xlWorkbook
    > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > End With
    > <Copy our data over and do some processing and formatting etc>
    > With xlWorkbook
    > .Save
    > .Close
    > End With
    > We are also getting the very slow execution if we do the following,
    > *regardless* of whether the file existed previously or not:
    > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    > With xlWorkbook
    > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > End With
    > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    > So if we turn off alerts the code execution is slow as well...
    > Can anyone help us understand what the issue here is? At this stage we

    > not looking for workarounds (such as not doing the first saveAs until the
    > end), we are looking to trace the cause so that we can eliminate it from
    > this and any other apps we have.
    > Please reply to group, email is bogus due to spam killing my NG email
    > address
    > Thanks for help
    > Andrew

  5. #5
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Strange VBA speed issue based on whether overwritten fileoriginally existed or not (?I think?). Excel from Access VBA

    Oops. I got it backwards!!!

    If you save a dummy workbook as that name, then save the real one over it, is
    that quicker?

    dim dummyWkbk as workbook
    set dummywkbk = workbooks.add(1) 'single sheet
    dummywkbk.saveas yourfilenamevariablehere
    dummywkbk.close savechanges:=false

    Then save your workbook....

    (I've never experienced such a thing... and I don't have a guess why it happens
    or how to fix it--and you'll know if the workaround, er, works pretty quickly.)

    A C wrote:
    > "Dave Peterson" <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote in message
    > news:4326C271.B623D641@verizonXSPAM.net...
    > > Excel has a Kill command that can be used to delete files.
    > >
    > > I bet that Access has a similar command(???).
    > >
    > > Maybe instead of overwriting the file, you could just delete the existing

    > file:
    > >
    > > In Excel's VBA, I'd do:
    > >
    > > on error resume next
    > > kill ExportFileName
    > > on error goto 0
    > >
    > > (on error resume next--just in case that file doesn't exist)
    > >
    > >

    > Thanks Mr Peterson, but unfortunately that simply results in the slow
    > situation appearing ie by deleting the file first we are now in the "file
    > did not exist" situation which is the slow one. (and we tried this idea
    > already )
    > I am at a loss as to what is going on here... Anyone???
    > The resulting file is ~3-4Meg, the template prior to entry is ~250kb. Is
    > there some memory/chache optimisation going on here whereby overwriting a
    > larger file with a smaller one and then editing the smaller one (which will
    > eventually become larger ~3-4Mb) is faster...?
    > Regards
    > A
    > >
    > > A C wrote:
    > > >
    > > > Hello
    > > >
    > > > We are copying some data into Excel (2000) via VBA code in an Access
    > > > database (2000). The general idea is we copy the data into an existing
    > > > template spreadsheet, and as such we first open the existing template,

    > and
    > > > then do a SaveAs to generate the desired results spreadsheet, and then

    > in
    > > > later code we start chucking the data into it and doing various things,
    > > > followed by the final save.
    > > >
    > > > For some reason we are getting very *very* different speeds based on

    > whether
    > > > the SaveAs is overwritting an existing file (fast) cf the SaveAs making

    > a
    > > > brand new file. The speed differences are ~10times greater.
    > > >
    > > > As an example if I had an existing file called c:\Example\myFile.xls,

    > the
    > > > VBA code would open the template, execute the .SaveAs method which posts

    > a
    > > > warning checking we want to overwrite the existing file, then we do our
    > > > processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close.

    > This
    > > > takes ~10secs.
    > > > If however we did not have an existing file, the VBA code would open the
    > > > template, execute the .SaveAs method which will not post a warning about
    > > > overwriting the existing file as the existing file does not exist, then

    > we
    > > > do our processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and

    > close.
    > > > This takes ~100secs
    > > >
    > > > There is NO difference in execution paths in the code based on whether

    > the
    > > > files exist or not, the .SaveAs is executed regardless of whether the

    > file
    > > > existed or not. The only perceivable difference is that Excel pops a
    > > > warning if the file already existed. The code is posted below
    > > >
    > > > Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    > > > Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Open(templateFile)
    > > > xlApp.Calculation = xlManual
    > > > If bPassword Then
    > > > tThisPassWord = GThisPassWord
    > > > Else
    > > > tThisPassWord = ""
    > > > End If
    > > >
    > > > With xlWorkbook
    > > > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > > > End With
    > > >
    > > > <Copy our data over and do some processing and formatting etc>
    > > >
    > > > With xlWorkbook
    > > > .Save
    > > > .Close
    > > > End With
    > > >
    > > > We are also getting the very slow execution if we do the following,
    > > > *regardless* of whether the file existed previously or not:
    > > > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    > > > With xlWorkbook
    > > > .SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
    > > > End With
    > > > xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    > > > So if we turn off alerts the code execution is slow as well...
    > > >
    > > > Can anyone help us understand what the issue here is? At this stage we

    > are
    > > > not looking for workarounds (such as not doing the first saveAs until

    > the
    > > > end), we are looking to trace the cause so that we can eliminate it from
    > > > this and any other apps we have.
    > > >
    > > > Please reply to group, email is bogus due to spam killing my NG email
    > > > address
    > > >
    > > > Thanks for help
    > > > Andrew

    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > > Dave Peterson


    Dave Peterson

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