We are copying some data into Excel (2000) via VBA code in an Access
database (2000). The general idea is we copy the data into an existing
template spreadsheet, and as such we first open the existing template, and
then do a SaveAs to generate the desired results spreadsheet, and then in
later code we start chucking the data into it and doing various things,
followed by the final save.
For some reason we are getting very *very* different speeds based on whether
the SaveAs is overwritting an existing file (fast) cf the SaveAs making a
brand new file. The speed differences are ~10times greater.
As an example if I had an existing file called c:\Example\myFile.xls, the
VBA code would open the template, execute the .SaveAs method which posts a
warning checking we want to overwrite the existing file, then we do our
processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close. This
takes ~10secs.
If however we did not have an existing file, the VBA code would open the
template, execute the .SaveAs method which will not post a warning about
overwriting the existing file as the existing file does not exist, then we
do our processing and data manipulation etc and do a final .Save and close.
This takes ~100secs
There is NO difference in execution paths in the code based on whether the
files exist or not, the .SaveAs is executed regardless of whether the file
existed or not. The only perceivable difference is that Excel pops a
warning if the file already existed. The code is posted below
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Open(templateFile)
xlApp.Calculation = xlManual
If bPassword Then
tThisPassWord = GThisPassWord
tThisPassWord = ""
End If
With xlWorkbook
.SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
End With
<Copy our data over and do some processing and formatting etc>
With xlWorkbook
End With
We are also getting the very slow execution if we do the following,
*regardless* of whether the file existed previously or not:
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
With xlWorkbook
.SaveAs FileName:=ExportFileName, PassWord:=tThisPassWord
End With
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
So if we turn off alerts the code execution is slow as well...
Can anyone help us understand what the issue here is? At this stage we are
not looking for workarounds (such as not doing the first saveAs until the
end), we are looking to trace the cause so that we can eliminate it from
this and any other apps we have.
Please reply to group, email is bogus due to spam killing my NG email
Thanks for help