
I have a read-only file and I want to display the SaveAs dialog box and
suggest a filename which is a date on the worksheet, when either Save or
SaveAs is clicked.

I had a problem with the SaveAs dialog box being displayed twice as it was
readonly file but I think I've cured that. The problem now is that the
Workbook is saved with the suggested filename even if the user trys to change
it to something else.

Here is my code

Public SAflag as boolean 'true if BeforeSave run

Private Sub Workbook_Open
SAflag = False
end sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel as Boolean)
dim fName
if IsDate(Sheet1.range("b3").value)=true then
fName = format(Datevalue(Sheet1.range("b3").value), "dd-mm-yyyy")
end if
if SAflag = false then
if SaveAsUI = true then
Cancel = True
if fName<>False then
SAflag = True
end if
end if
end if
end if
end sub

Thanks Guys