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IF function based on True result with large formula.

  1. #1

    IF function based on True result with large formula.

    I have a massive formula that I use to figure up vacation accumulation for
    certain employees. Now I have to run the same formula EXCEPT it only needs
    to be ran if the employee has worked 140 hrs. How can I incorporate that
    into my formula??? Below is my formula-

    IF A2 is >=140 then


  2. #2
    Patrick Molloy

    RE: IF function based on True result with large formula.

    the formula is too long. try to put it into a UDF , and teh a simple IF
    would work.

    what is the intent on the formula - looks like a date calculation - and many
    people here have a lot of experience that mightoffer a better solution.

    "naiveprogrammer" wrote:

    > I have a massive formula that I use to figure up vacation accumulation for
    > certain employees. Now I have to run the same formula EXCEPT it only needs
    > to be ran if the employee has worked 140 hrs. How can I incorporate that
    > into my formula??? Below is my formula-
    > IF A2 is >=140 then
    > formula:
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > =IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(A3),YEAR(TODAY())=YEAR(A3)),(MONTH(TODAY())-MONTH(A3))*3.34,IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A3),YEAR(TODAY())=YEAR(A3)),(MONTH(TODAY())-(MONTH(A3)+1))*3.34,IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()>YEAR(A3)),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A3)<10),DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(A3)),(((MONTH(TODAY()))*(80/12))+((12-MONTH(A3))*3.34)+((YEAR(TODAY())-(YEAR(A3)+1))*80)),IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()>YEAR(A3)),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A3)<10),DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A3)),(((MONTH(TODAY())-1)*(80/12))+((12-MONTH(A3))*3.34)+((YEAR(TODAY())-(YEAR(A3)+1))*80)),"N/A"))))

  3. #3

    RE: IF function based on True result with large formula.

    The intent of the formula is to track the accrued vacation time for each
    employee per their hire date. *During 1st year vacation employee will
    accumulate at 3.34 a day for every month of service. (ie hire date = March 3,
    2005- start accumulating April 3, 2005)*

    Also I'm not familiar with UDF, what is this?

    Thanks for replying!!!

    "Patrick Molloy" wrote:

    > the formula is too long. try to put it into a UDF , and teh a simple IF
    > would work.
    > what is the intent on the formula - looks like a date calculation - and many
    > people here have a lot of experience that mightoffer a better solution.
    > "naiveprogrammer" wrote:
    > > I have a massive formula that I use to figure up vacation accumulation for
    > > certain employees. Now I have to run the same formula EXCEPT it only needs
    > > to be ran if the employee has worked 140 hrs. How can I incorporate that
    > > into my formula??? Below is my formula-
    > >
    > > IF A2 is >=140 then
    > >
    > > formula:
    > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > =IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(A3),YEAR(TODAY())=YEAR(A3)),(MONTH(TODAY())-MONTH(A3))*3.34,IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A3),YEAR(TODAY())=YEAR(A3)),(MONTH(TODAY())-(MONTH(A3)+1))*3.34,IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()>YEAR(A3)),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A3)<10),DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(A3)),(((MONTH(TODAY()))*(80/12))+((12-MONTH(A3))*3.34)+((YEAR(TODAY())-(YEAR(A3)+1))*80)),IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()>YEAR(A3)),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A3)<10),DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A3)),(((MONTH(TODAY())-1)*(80/12))+((12-MONTH(A3))*3.34)+((YEAR(TODAY())-(YEAR(A3)+1))*80)),"N/A"))))

  4. #4
    Patrick Molloy

    Re: IF function based on True result with large formula.

    UDF is User Defined Function
    It will enable you to break your formula down so much more easily

    "naiveprogrammer" <naiveprogrammer@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in
    message news:9458EC26-68E8-484A-9C41-E22AC3B8A8F9@microsoft.com...
    > The intent of the formula is to track the accrued vacation time for each
    > employee per their hire date. *During 1st year vacation employee will
    > accumulate at 3.34 a day for every month of service. (ie hire date = March
    > 3,
    > 2005- start accumulating April 3, 2005)*
    > Also I'm not familiar with UDF, what is this?
    > Thanks for replying!!!
    > "Patrick Molloy" wrote:
    >> the formula is too long. try to put it into a UDF , and teh a simple IF
    >> would work.
    >> what is the intent on the formula - looks like a date calculation - and
    >> many
    >> people here have a lot of experience that mightoffer a better solution.
    >> "naiveprogrammer" wrote:
    >> > I have a massive formula that I use to figure up vacation accumulation
    >> > for
    >> > certain employees. Now I have to run the same formula EXCEPT it only
    >> > needs
    >> > to be ran if the employee has worked 140 hrs. How can I incorporate
    >> > that
    >> > into my formula??? Below is my formula-
    >> >
    >> > IF A2 is >=140 then
    >> >
    >> > formula:
    >> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> > =IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(A3),YEAR(TODAY())=YEAR(A3)),(MONTH(TODAY())-MONTH(A3))*3.34,IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A3),YEAR(TODAY())=YEAR(A3)),(MONTH(TODAY())-(MONTH(A3)+1))*3.34,IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()>YEAR(A3)),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A3)<10),DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(A3)),(((MONTH(TODAY()))*(80/12))+((12-MONTH(A3))*3.34)+((YEAR(TODAY())-(YEAR(A3)+1))*80)),IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()>YEAR(A3)),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(A3)<10),DAY(TODAY())<DAY(A3)),(((MONTH(TODAY())-1)*(80/12))+((12-MONTH(A3))*3.34)+((YEAR(TODAY())-(YEAR(A3)+1))*80)),"N/A"))))

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