I've never seen this line of code not work. But I have seen this setting get
changed to true.

I think I'd add a bunch of:

debug.print "step #1: " & application.screenupdating

to see where it gets turned off.

Once you find the problem, you can add a line to turn it off.

modjoe23 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been successfully using Application.Screenupdating = false
> before running my code and Application.Screenupdating = true after to
> get the macro to run faster.
> Suddenly Application.Screenupdating = false doesn't work anymore.
> After running that line of code checking the value of
> Application.Screenupdating gives you true! So it always keeps it true.
> I can change the value to flase in the immediate pane. It changes but
> then running any other line of code from the macro resets it to true.
> Please help me fix this. All my macros are now running soooo slowly.
> Thanks
> Note :The only change I remember making was setting the ignore other
> applications options in the general tab but I've removed that now and
> still it doesn't work.
> --
> modjoe23
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> modjoe23's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26376
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=401555


Dave Peterson