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Formula in 1 Cell to put information into other cells

  1. #1
    Michael Koerner

    Formula in 1 Cell to put information into other cells

    In A2 I have the following formula =IF(R2="","",R2).
    In B2 the following =IF(S2="","",S2),
    and in C2 the following =IF(T2="","",T2)

    Is there a formula that I could use in A2 that would allow me to put the
    values from R2, S2, and T2 into A2, B2, and C2 without having to have
    additional formula in B2 and C2?

    Michael Koerner

  2. #2
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Formula in 1 Cell to put information into other cells

    Nope. A formula in one cell can only affect itself. It can not put values
    into other cells. In the grander scheme of things you wouldn't want it to,
    because if it could you would never be able to debug a problem in one cell
    because you would never be able to determine what other cells might have put
    a value into it.

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Michael Koerner" wrote:

    > In A2 I have the following formula =IF(R2="","",R2).
    > In B2 the following =IF(S2="","",S2),
    > and in C2 the following =IF(T2="","",T2)
    > Is there a formula that I could use in A2 that would allow me to put the
    > values from R2, S2, and T2 into A2, B2, and C2 without having to have
    > additional formula in B2 and C2?
    > --
    > Regards
    > Michael Koerner

  3. #3
    Michael Koerner

    Re: Formula in 1 Cell to put information into other cells

    I thought as much, just had to ask. Thanks


    Michael Koerner

    "Jim Thomlinson" <jamest@tcgiRe-Move-This.com> wrote in message
    > Nope. A formula in one cell can only affect itself. It can not put values
    > into other cells. In the grander scheme of things you wouldn't want it to,
    > because if it could you would never be able to debug a problem in one cell
    > because you would never be able to determine what other cells might have
    > put
    > a value into it.
    > --
    > HTH...
    > Jim Thomlinson
    > "Michael Koerner" wrote:
    >> In A2 I have the following formula =IF(R2="","",R2).
    >> In B2 the following =IF(S2="","",S2),
    >> and in C2 the following =IF(T2="","",T2)
    >> Is there a formula that I could use in A2 that would allow me to put the
    >> values from R2, S2, and T2 into A2, B2, and C2 without having to have
    >> additional formula in B2 and C2?
    >> --
    >> Regards
    >> Michael Koerner

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