I have a large Listbox in a Userform that has 5 columns and can have up
to 1200 row entries. I have run into a curious behavior.

I have buttons to Select all entries in the Listbox and to Clear all
selections in the Listbox. My code is virtually idential to do the
Select All and Clear All. Here's the curious part: when I have ~ 1000
rows in the Listbox, it takes ~ 3 seconds to do a Clear All, but only ~
1 second to do the Select All. With a small number of rows, it
impossible to see any difference, but with a large number of entries it
takes noticeably longer to do the clear I have written the Clear All
code as fast as I can think of (no calculations within the loop). I
also tried turning off screen updating and calculations, but it doesn't
seem to make any difference.

Does anyone know of a faster way to do the clear? Here is my code.

Private Sub btnClearAll_Click()
Dim I As Integer
Dim count As Integer

With NameForm.ListBox1
count = .ListCount - 1
For I = 0 To count
.Selected(I) = False
Next I
End With
End Sub

The only difference between the Clear All code and the Select All
codeis False/True in line .Selected(I) = False.
Any ideas? Why would be it faster to do the selection?

Any info would be appreciated,