I'm managing/developing an addin, OurFuncs.xla, for our company. This xla
contains lots of UDFs used by many users. To provide a simple helpfunction
for the users I hav done this:
In Sheet1 in the xla I have the UDFs name in A1:A20 and the descriptions of
the UDFs in B1:B20. I have made an userform, Userform1, and placed a
combobox, Combobox1, in this userform. My problem is that I'm having trouble
setting the rowsource for the combobox. Among others I have tried this:
Workbooks("OurFuncs.xla").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B20") as the
rowsource, but whatever I try it bombs out with: "Invalid ...... etc". Does
anybody have a solution to this, or has anybody another clever and simple(!)
idea for making such a helpfunction in an xla.