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Problem with a program code

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Problem with a program code

    Hi all,

    I am in desperate need of help regarding a problem with combinational optimization. I have tried many ways but i just cannot get the required results. May i seek your help in this?

    The excel VBA code below is supposed to generate all relevant combinations (and ONLY the relevant combinations) that satisfy the equation Qsys = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5. Q1 to Q5 have maximum and minimum values. Qsys is a fixed constant that is determined before running code.
    However, the code fails to do as required. I believe it's a logical problem but i just cannot figure out.

    Because my actual code has up to Q10, i need to generate ONLY relevant combinations that satisfy equation, so that the runtime will not take too long.

    Many thanks for your kind attention and i await your reply in anticipation!


    Sub PumpFlowCombinationVer1()

    ' This Macro generates all possible combinations of flow distribution
    ' between pumps to meet required System Flow.
    ' Divisions of 0.1m(^3)are used.

    ' Please feed in the necessary parameters before running the Macro.

    ' Good Day!

    '''''''''''''''''''''''' Declarations '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Dim x As Double

    Dim Qsummax As Double

    Dim Qsys, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 As Double

    ' Upper boundary conditions for flows
    Dim Q1max, Q2max, Q3max, Q4max, Q5max As Double

    ' Lower boundary conditions for flows
    Dim Q1min, Q2min, Q3min, Q4min, Q5min As Double

    ' Counters
    Dim b, c, d, e, f As Double

    ' Temporary variables
    Dim Qtemp As Double

    '''''''''''''''''''''''' Initialization '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    ' Assigning System Flow
    Qsys = Round(Range("Interface!B6"), 1)

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' TO BE REMOVED - TESTING ONLY

    Qsys = 0.6

    ' Assigning Boundary Flow Values
    Q1max = Range("Input!B10")
    Q2max = Range("Input!C10")
    Q3max = Range("Input!D10")
    Q4max = Range("Input!E10")
    Q5max = Range("Input!F10")

    Q1min = Range("Input!B11")
    Q2min = Range("Input!C11")
    Q3min = Range("Input!D11")
    Q4min = Range("Input!E11")
    Q5min = Range("Input!F11")

    ' Assigning Counter Initial Values (To be placed after Qmin initialization)
    b = Q1min
    c = Q2min
    d = Q3min
    e = Q4min
    f = Q5min

    x = 4

    '''''''''''''''''''''''' Main Body ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Qsummax = Q1max + Q2max + Q3max + Q4max + Q5max

    If (Qsys > Qsummax) Then

    MsgBox "System Flow requirements exceed total pump capacity. Please run all pumps at full speed. Insufficient System Flow is being provided at present."


    Do While Application.Round(b, 1) <= Q1max

    If (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f >= 0) Then

    Do While Application.Round(c, 1) <= Q2max

    If (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f >= 0) Then

    Do While Application.Round(d, 1) <= Q3max

    If (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f >= 0) Then

    Do While Application.Round(e, 1) <= Q4max

    If (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f >= 0) Then

    Do While Application.Round(f, 1) <= Q5max

    If (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f >= 0) And (b + c + d + e + f = Qsys) Then

    Cells(x, 1) = b
    Cells(x, 2) = c
    Cells(x, 3) = d
    Cells(x, 4) = e
    Cells(x, 5) = f

    Cells(x, 7) = b + c + d + e + f
    Debug.Print x, b, c, d, e, f, b + c + d + e + f

    x = x + 1

    End If

    f = f + 0.1
    f = Q5min

    End If

    e = e + 0.1
    e = Q4min

    End If

    d = d + 0.1
    d = Q3min

    End If

    c = c + 0.1
    c = Q2min

    End If

    b = b + 0.1
    b = Q1min

    End If

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
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  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Problem with a program code

    Your attempt to terminate loops early eliminates the opportunity to find
    legitimate answers.

    This appears to get all the answers and is faster than the unconstrained

    I didn't change them, but if you want 3 variables to be doubles, you can't

    Dim a, b, c as double

    you must use

    Dim as as Double, b as Double, c as Double

    in the original, a and b are variants.

    Sub PumpFlowCombinationVer2()

    ' This Macro generates all possible combinations of flow distribution
    ' between pumps to meet required System Flow.
    ' Divisions of 0.1m(^3)are used.

    ' Please feed in the necessary parameters before running the Macro.

    ' Good Day!

    '''''''''''''''''''''''' Declarations

    Dim x As Double

    Dim Qsummax As Double

    Dim Qsys, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 As Double

    ' Upper boundary conditions for flows
    Dim Q1max, Q2max, Q3max, Q4max, Q5max As Double

    ' Lower boundary conditions for flows
    Dim Q1min, Q2min, Q3min, Q4min, Q5min As Double

    ' Counters
    Dim b, c, d, e, f As Double

    ' Temporary variables
    Dim Qtemp As Double

    '''''''''''''''''''''''' Initialization

    ' Assigning System Flow
    Qsys = Round(Range("Interface!B6"), 1)

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' TO BE REMOVED -TESTING

    Qsys = 0.6

    ' Assigning Boundary Flow Values
    Q1max = Range("Input!B10")
    Q2max = Range("Input!C10")
    Q3max = Range("Input!D10")
    Q4max = Range("Input!E10")
    Q5max = Range("Input!F10")

    Q1min = Range("Input!B11")
    Q2min = Range("Input!C11")
    Q3min = Range("Input!D11")
    Q4min = Range("Input!E11")
    Q5min = Range("Input!F11")

    ' Assigning Counter Initial Values (To be placed after Qmin initialization)
    b = Q1min
    c = Q2min
    d = Q3min
    e = Q4min
    f = Q5min

    x = 4

    '''''''''''''''''''''''' Main Body

    Qsummax = Q1max + Q2max + Q3max + Q4max + Q5max

    If (Qsys > Qsummax) Then

    MsgBox "System Flow requirements exceed total pump capacity. Please run all
    pumps at full speed. Insufficient System Flow is being provided at present."


    Do While Application.Round(b, 1) <= Q1max And _
    (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f) > -0.001 Or _
    (Qsys - b - Q2min - Q3min - Q4min - Q5min) > -0.001

    Do While Application.Round(c, 1) <= Q2max And _
    (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f) >= -0.001 Or _
    (Qsys - Q1min - c - Q3min - Q4min - Q5min) > -0.001

    Do While Application.Round(d, 1) <= Q3max And _
    (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f) >= -0.001 Or _
    (Qsys - Q1min - Q2min - d - Q4min - Q5min) > -0.001

    Do While Application.Round(e, 1) <= Q4max And _
    (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f) >= 0.001 Or _
    (Qsys - Q1min - Q2min - Q3min - e - Q5min) > -0.001

    Do While Application.Round(f, 1) <= Q5max And _
    (Qsys - b - c - d - e - f) >= -0.001 Or _
    (Qsys - Q1min - Q2min - Q3min - Q4min - f) > -0.001

    If Abs(Qsys - b - c - d - e - f) < 0.001 Then
    Cells(x, 1) = b
    Cells(x, 2) = c
    Cells(x, 3) = d
    Cells(x, 4) = e
    Cells(x, 5) = f

    Cells(x, 7) = b + c + d + e + f
    'Debug.Print x, b, c, d, e, f, b + c + d + e + f

    x = x + 1

    End If

    f = f + 0.1
    f = Q5min

    e = e + 0.1
    e = Q4min

    d = d + 0.1
    d = Q3min

    c = c + 0.1
    c = Q2min

    b = b + 0.1
    b = Q1min

    End If

    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "highjumper" <highjumper.1uauyb_1124939123.2719@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote
    in message news:highjumper.1uauyb_1124939123.2719@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > anyone?
    > --
    > highjumper
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > highjumper's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=398664

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks a lot for your help! I will test out the code this instant! Thanks again!

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