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Move the position of spreadsheet on the screen

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  1. #1

    Move the position of spreadsheet on the screen

    I would like to have my spreadsheet select a like like "AA12" and move this
    cell to left upper of the screen.

    I use sheets("sheets").Range("AA12").select

    Ther cell wa selected, but it is located on any where on the screen.

    I want to show user the data base on cell "AA12".

    Is it posible to have my spreadsheet celll on the left upper of the screen?

    Any infromation is great appreciated,

  2. #2
    Rob Bovey

    Re: Move the position of spreadsheet on the screen

    "Souris" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I would like to have my spreadsheet select a like like "AA12" and move this
    > cell to left upper of the screen.
    > I use sheets("sheets").Range("AA12").select
    > Ther cell wa selected, but it is located on any where on the screen.
    > I want to show user the data base on cell "AA12".
    > Is it posible to have my spreadsheet celll on the left upper of the
    > screen?

    Here's one way to do it:

    Application.Goto Sheets("sheets").Range("AA12"), True

    Rob Bovey, Excel MVP
    Application Professionals

    * Take your Excel development skills to the next level.
    * Professional Excel Development

  3. #3

    RE: Move the position of spreadsheet on the screen

    You can use the Goto method of the Apllication object with Scroll parameter
    set to True:
    Application.Goto Destination, Scroll
    Sub test()
    DisplayRange Range("A500")
    End Sub

    Sub DisplayRange(Rg As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    'activate book
    If Err <> 0 Then 'could be hidden book
    MsgBox "Cannot activate the parent book."
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'activate sheet
    If Err <> 0 Then 'could be hidden sheet
    MsgBox "Cannot activate the parent Sheet."
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Select and go to Rg
    Application.Goto Rg, True
    End Sub

    "Souris" wrote:

    > I would like to have my spreadsheet select a like like "AA12" and move this
    > cell to left upper of the screen.
    > I use sheets("sheets").Range("AA12").select
    > Ther cell wa selected, but it is located on any where on the screen.
    > I want to show user the data base on cell "AA12".
    > Is it posible to have my spreadsheet celll on the left upper of the screen?
    > Any infromation is great appreciated,

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