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checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %

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  1. #1
    Jean-Pierre D via OfficeKB.com

    checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %


    i have a textbox in a userform that is linked tot cell A1 of the spreadsheet.
    Cell A1 is defined as %.
    When the user starts the userform the textbox will show 0,04 corresponding to
    4% in cell A1.
    However, if the userform is empty and the user types in 4 in the textbox,
    cell A1 will show 400%.

    how can i make sure that the input in a textbox will be seen as a percentage
    so that if the input is 4, cell A1 will show 4% ?


    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

  2. #2
    Richard Buttrey

    Re: checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %

    On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 07:22:51 GMT, "Jean-Pierre D via OfficeKB.com"
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >i have a textbox in a userform that is linked tot cell A1 of the spreadsheet.
    >Cell A1 is defined as %.
    >When the user starts the userform the textbox will show 0,04 corresponding to
    >4% in cell A1.
    >However, if the userform is empty and the user types in 4 in the textbox,
    >cell A1 will show 400%.
    >how can i make sure that the input in a textbox will be seen as a percentage
    >so that if the input is 4, cell A1 will show 4% ?

    You could try something like

    If Range("a1") > 1 Then Range("a1") = Range("a1") / 100

    in the UserForm Terminate event, or some other suitable event.


    Richard Buttrey
    Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

  3. #3
    Jean-Pierre D via OfficeKB.com

    Re: checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %

    Hi richard,
    your input does not work for me....
    on another userform i lat vba code check is an input is numeric with this

    Private Sub OnlyNumbers(ctl As Object)
    With ctl
    If Not IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, alleen getallen toegestaan"
    .Value = vbNullString
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    and then with each field

    Private Sub nw_franchise_change()
    OnlyNumbers nw_franchise
    End Sub

    Now i would like to have something similar for input of percentages !
    can you plese help me?

    Richard Buttrey wrote:

    >[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]

    >You could try something like
    >If Range("a1") > 1 Then Range("a1") = Range("a1") / 100
    >in the UserForm Terminate event, or some other suitable event.
    >Richard Buttrey
    >Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

  4. #4
    Richard Buttrey

    Re: checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %

    Maybe I'm missing something, but a percentage is just another number.
    Your original question was primarily about the format or appearance of
    that number.

    Did you try my suggested code in the UserForm_terminate() event ?


    Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    If Range("a1") > 1 Then Range("a1") = Range("a1") / 100
    End Sub

    It's not immediately apparent why, if the other code that you mention
    below works, why it doesn't also work for a percentage number.


    On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 11:47:51 GMT, "Jean-Pierre D via OfficeKB.com"
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Hi richard,
    >your input does not work for me....
    >on another userform i lat vba code check is an input is numeric with this
    >Private Sub OnlyNumbers(ctl As Object)
    > With ctl
    > If Not IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then
    > MsgBox "Sorry, alleen getallen toegestaan"
    > .Value = vbNullString
    > .SetFocus
    > End If
    > End With
    >End Sub
    >and then with each field
    >Private Sub nw_franchise_change()
    > OnlyNumbers nw_franchise
    >End Sub
    >Now i would like to have something similar for input of percentages !
    >can you plese help me?
    >Richard Buttrey wrote:

    >>[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]

    >>You could try something like
    >>If Range("a1") > 1 Then Range("a1") = Range("a1") / 100
    >>in the UserForm Terminate event, or some other suitable event.
    >>Richard Buttrey
    >>Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

    Richard Buttrey
    Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

  5. #5
    Jean-Pierre D via OfficeKB.com

    Re: checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %

    hi richard,

    You were right, it works !

    However, i do have another problem.
    When i update a textbox in the userform, the sheet is also update but not
    do you have a solution for that ?


    Richard Buttrey wrote:
    >Maybe I'm missing something, but a percentage is just another number.
    >Your original question was primarily about the format or appearance of
    >that number.
    >Did you try my suggested code in the UserForm_terminate() event ?
    >Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    > If Range("a1") > 1 Then Range("a1") = Range("a1") / 100
    >End Sub
    >It's not immediately apparent why, if the other code that you mention
    >below works, why it doesn't also work for a percentage number.
    >>Hi richard,
    >>your input does not work for me....

    >[quoted text clipped - 40 lines]
    >>>Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

    >Richard Buttrey
    >Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

    Message posted via http://www.officekb.com

  6. #6
    Richard Buttrey

    Re: checking input on a textbox in userform to be a %

    On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:43:37 GMT, "Jean-Pierre D via OfficeKB.com"
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >hi richard,
    >You were right, it works !
    >However, i do have another problem.
    >When i update a textbox in the userform, the sheet is also update but not
    >do you have a solution for that ?

    Do you mean that although A1 is updated (via the textbox entry), other
    cells which are dependent on A1 don't calculate?

    If so, first obvious question is, is Tools Options Calulation set to
    Automatic? If not check the 'Automatic' option.

    Alternatively if you need the worksheet to be set to manual
    calculation, and only want it updated when an entry is made via the
    text box, include the line


    in your code.

    Richard Buttrey
    Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

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