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Pasting Personality issues

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Talking Pasting Personality issues


    I have a question that Google didn't answer, nor did the numerous PDF I have
    about excel programming, and of course, nor did my boss

    Here you go!

    I have an Excel 2003 workbook with a sheet.
    I have a user form.
    I have a TextBox in that user form.
    I also have a text file outside of Excel.

    When I copy paste manually the text file into any cell in the sheet, the
    text file gets spreads onto the cells pretty good - You know, most of the
    data has its own cell, etc., it looks decent enough to attempt to write a
    parser -by the way, my boss told me "its either write a parser or parse the
    327 word doc manually into excel" so of course, I feel constrained to ask for
    help ...

    The problem arise when I have the text file pasted into the user form text
    box and then try to have a macro do some parsing. You see, the user gets to
    paste from the windows clipboard (in this case a 327 page word doc that I
    pasted into a text file first) into the user form textbox, and then press the
    Parse! button. The button calls a Parse macro that I wrote in another module.

    But when the textbox.text gets copied into a cell with code like ...

    myTemp.Range(A7).Value = sData

    All the text gets fitted into one cell.

    I am trying to reproduce the effect that I get when I manually copy a text
    file into a cell : it gets spread into many cells more or less in a readable

    So my Question is: How do I achieve this effect in coding?

    Thank you for your help, kindly,

    Antoine Dubuc
    Best Buy For Business

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Could you post an example of your source data, as well as the kind of output you want.

    Rather than write your own parser, why not load the text into a hidden instance of Word & use the Word object model to parse the text into words, sentences, etc.

    Of course, it would depend on the output you want.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Example of data

    Here is an example, that is also based on the template I gotta parse.
    I need only part of this data.

    L&P Chicago Heights Chicago Heights IL 60411

    Leggett & Platt Inc

    D-U-N-SŪ Number: 13-368-8262
    Company Name: Leggett & Platt Inc
    Also Known As: Morgan Marshall

    Mail Address: 383 E 16th St
    Chicago Heights, IL, 60411-3701
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    County: Cook
    MSA: Chicago

    Phone: 708-758-6300
    Fax: 708-758-5858
    WebAddress: www.leggett.com

    Location Type: Branch
    Plant/Facility Size: 205,000 Sq Ft
    Foreign Trade: Import/Export
    Year Established: 1989
    Ownership: Public
    Prescreen Score: Low Risk
    Stock Ticker: LEG

    Global Ultimate Parent: Leggett & Platt Inc
    1 Leggett Rd
    Carthage, MO, 64836-9649
    View Global Ultimate Profile

    Employee Count:
    (All Sites) 33,000
    (Individual Site) Current Year: 550
    1 Yr Prior: 200 | Trend: 175.00
    2 Yr Prior: 200 | Trend: 175.00
    3 Yr Prior: 550 | Trend: 0.00
    (All Sites) $5,085,500,000
    US (Actual)
    (Individual Sites) $58,428,150
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    Executives: Mr Phillip A Rosenband - President
    Mr Phillip A Rosenband - Owner
    Mr Jeff Blau - Purchasing Director
    Mr Stanley R Jewell - Chief Financial Officer
    Mr Stanley R Jewell - Treasurer

    Add Decision Maker

    Sic Code(s): 25410203 - Shelving, office and store, wood (Primary)
    25429904 - Shelving, office and store, except wood
    Line of Business: Manufactures wooden & metal store fixtures
    Product(s): STORE & DISPLAY FIXTURES & EQPT: Wood
    Naics Code(s): 337215 - Showcase, Partition, Shelving & Locker Mfg (Primary)

  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Pasting Personality issues

    When you paste the word document into Excel directly, it isn't coming in as
    a textfile - but a word document. Excel has build in functionality to try
    to reproduce the general layout of the word document. When you assign it as
    a string to a cell, then you get everything in one cell.

    The solution would be to do a copy from the word document to the excel
    worksheet. Then excel will be able to act as you said you are "pleased"

    Tom Ogilvy

    "BBFB" <BBFB.1tuyqh_1124197727.295@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in message
    > Hi,
    > I have a question that Google didn't answer, nor did the numerous PDF I
    > have
    > about excel programming, and of course, nor did my boss
    > Here you go!
    > I have an Excel 2003 workbook with a sheet.
    > I have a user form.
    > I have a TextBox in that user form.
    > I also have a text file outside of Excel.
    > When I copy paste manually the text file into any cell in the sheet,
    > the
    > text file gets spreads onto the cells pretty good - You know, most of
    > the
    > data has its own cell, etc., it looks decent enough to attempt to write
    > a
    > parser -by the way, my boss told me &quot;its either write a parser or
    > parse the
    > 327 word doc manually into excel&quot; so of course, I feel constrained
    > to ask for
    > help ...
    > The problem arise when I have the text file pasted into the user form
    > text
    > box and then try to have a macro do some parsing. You see, the user
    > gets to
    > paste from the windows clipboard (in this case a 327 page word doc that
    > I
    > pasted into a text file first) into the user form textbox, and then
    > press the
    > Parse! button. The button calls a Parse macro that I wrote in another
    > module.
    > But when the textbox.text gets copied into a cell with code like ...
    > myTemp.Range(A7).Value = sData
    > All the text gets fitted into one cell.
    > I am trying to reproduce the effect that I get when I manually copy a
    > text
    > file into a cell : it gets spread into many cells more or less in a
    > readable
    > fashion.
    > So my Question is: How do I achieve this effect in coding?
    > Thank you for your help, kindly,
    > Antoine Dubuc
    > Best Buy For Business
    > --
    > BBFB
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > BBFB's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=396092

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date


    But, I actually -and need to- copy the word document to a text file (notepad) before copy pasting it in the user form text box from the text file.

    the reason is that user control is also part of future project and requires this ability.

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Pasting Personality issues

    then your parse routine will have to break the sting up into the appropriate
    pieces and write these pieces to the appropriat cells.

    An example of such code (working directly on a text file, but the concepts
    are the same) are at Chip Pearsons site for his import routine.

    http://www.cpearson.com/excel/imptext.htm import/export text files

    Tom Ogilvy

    "BBFB" <BBFB.1tv4an_1124204791.0499@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in message
    > But, I actually -and need to- copy the word document to a text file
    > (notepad) before copy pasting it in the user form text box from the
    > text file.
    > the reason is that user control is also part of future project and
    > requires this ability.
    > Thank you
    > --
    > BBFB
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > BBFB's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=396092

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