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Make a Trial Date Macro ?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Exclamation Make a Trial Date Macro ?

    thanks for your site, it really helps.
    However, i ve been asked a question and can hardly find an answer to it ?
    Might you help me on that.
    Is it possible to protect a macro of excel and make it trial date protected.
    Explanation : I have a macro that i want to protect on a excel file, but moreover i d like to allow its users to use it only for a limited time; after what they will have to register and to pay for having it without this time limitation?
    Do yuou know how ?
    where can i find this ?
    If it doesn t existe what kind of other protection can you advise me ?
    Thanks a lot

  2. #2

    RE: Make a Trial Date Macro ?

    to quote Ron de Bruin....
    "You can place Private before a sub like this Private Sub test() Or add this
    at the top of the module Option Private Module This way you don't see it in
    the macro list (Alt-F8) and you can Protect your project in the VBA editor
    Alt-F11 In the menubar Tools>VBA project properties See the protection tab
    This way they can't see or edit your code"

    As to the time delay part you could do this

    at the beginning of your macro...

    IF Date <=#8/15/2005# then 'or a time period you prefer
    MsgBox (" this macro has expired")
    Exit Sub
    End If

    this way if the date you set has passed, the user gets a message and the macro
    shuts down.


    "harryben" wrote:

    > thanks for your site, it really helps.
    > However, i ve been asked a question and can hardly find an answer to it
    > ?
    > Might you help me on that.
    > Is it possible to protect a macro of excel and make it trial date
    > protected.
    > Explanation : I have a macro that i want to protect on a excel file,
    > but moreover i d like to allow its users to use it only for a limited
    > time; after what they will have to register and to pay for having it
    > without this time limitation?
    > Do yuou know how ?
    > where can i find this ?
    > If it doesn t existe what kind of other protection can you advise me ?
    > Thanks a lot
    > Harry
    > --
    > harryben
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > harryben's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26235
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=395281

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