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Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

  1. #1

    Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    Good day.

    I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.


  2. #2
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Steve" wrote:

    > Good day.
    > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > Thanks,

  3. #3

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.

    "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

    > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > such).
    > --
    > HTH...
    > Jim Thomlinson
    > "Steve" wrote:
    > > Good day.
    > >
    > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > >

  4. #4
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    You might be able to get away with just copying CDO.dll to the host computer.
    That was not an option for me because of potential administrator restrictions
    on the host machines in terms of installing files and how to get the files
    sent to them in the first place. The code that I was using accessed the
    global address list to get e-mail addresses. When the new service pack was
    installed the host machine would prompt the user that a program was trying to
    access the Global Address list (it thought that the program might be a virus
    trying to e-mail). It was at this point that I abandoned the project.

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Steve" wrote:

    > What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    > need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    > it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    > missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    > computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.
    > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > > such).
    > > --
    > > HTH...
    > >
    > > Jim Thomlinson
    > >
    > >
    > > "Steve" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Good day.
    > > >
    > > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > > >
    > > > Thanks,
    > > >

  5. #5
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    Here is the code I was working on if it helps at all

    Option Explicit
    Const g_strMAPILogOn As String = "MS Exchange Settings"
    Const g_strAddressList As String = "Global Address List"
    Const g_strEMailAddressIdentifier As String = "SMTP"

    Sub Test()

    MsgBox GetEMailAddress("James Thomlinson")

    End Sub

    Public Function GetEMailAddress(ByVal strName As String) As String
    Dim objSession As MAPI.Session
    Dim objField As MAPI.Field
    Dim MyAddressList As MAPI.AddressList
    Dim MyAddressEntries As MAPI.AddressEntries
    Dim MyEntry As MAPI.AddressEntry
    Dim SomeEntry As MAPI.AddressEntry
    Dim MyRecipient As MAPI.Recipient
    Dim v As Variant
    Dim strReturnValue As String

    'Initialize Local Variables
    strReturnValue = "No Address Found" 'Retrun Value if not found

    ' Create Session object and Logon.
    Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
    objSession.Logon (g_strMAPILogOn)

    'Create the Address list from the Global Address List
    Set MyAddressList = objSession.AddressLists(g_strAddressList)
    If MyAddressList Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox g_strAddressList & " Unavailable!", vbCritical, "Critical
    Exit Function
    End If

    'Initialize MyAddressEntires with the entries in the Address List
    Set MyAddressEntries = MyAddressList.AddressEntries

    'Traverse through the entries searching for a match
    For Each SomeEntry In MyAddressEntries
    Set MyEntry = SomeEntry
    If Trim(UCase(strName)) = Trim(UCase(MyEntry.Name)) Then
    Set objField = MyEntry.Fields(CdoPR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)

    ' PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES is a multivalued property
    ' Therefore, you need to extract the individual members.
    For Each v In objField.Value
    If InStr(1, UCase(v), g_strEMailAddressIdentifier) Then
    strReturnValue = Mid(v, 6, 256)
    Exit For
    End If
    Next 'Next Field Value
    Exit For
    End If
    Next 'Next Address Entry

    'Return Function Value
    GetEMailAddress = strReturnValue

    Set objField = Nothing
    Set MyAddressList = Nothing
    Set MyAddressEntries = Nothing
    Set MyEntry = Nothing
    Set MyRecipient = Nothing
    Set objSession = Nothing

    End Function

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Steve" wrote:

    > What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    > need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    > it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    > missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    > computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.
    > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > > such).
    > > --
    > > HTH...
    > >
    > > Jim Thomlinson
    > >
    > >
    > > "Steve" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Good day.
    > > >
    > > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > > >
    > > > Thanks,
    > > >

  6. #6

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    Ok, so as far as you know, if I can just copy the CDO.dll file to their
    computer and it works, that is ok. It is legally ok to distribute the
    CDO.dll file if the user already has legal copies of Outlook and Excel on
    their computer.(I know this question may be out of your area and may not
    pertain to this forum)

    "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

    > You might be able to get away with just copying CDO.dll to the host computer.
    > That was not an option for me because of potential administrator restrictions
    > on the host machines in terms of installing files and how to get the files
    > sent to them in the first place. The code that I was using accessed the
    > global address list to get e-mail addresses. When the new service pack was
    > installed the host machine would prompt the user that a program was trying to
    > access the Global Address list (it thought that the program might be a virus
    > trying to e-mail). It was at this point that I abandoned the project.
    > --
    > HTH...
    > Jim Thomlinson
    > "Steve" wrote:
    > > What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    > > need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    > > it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    > > missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    > > computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.
    > >
    > >
    > > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > >
    > > > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > > > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > > > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > > > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > > > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > > > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > > > such).
    > > > --
    > > > HTH...
    > > >
    > > > Jim Thomlinson
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > "Steve" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > > Good day.
    > > > >
    > > > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > > > >
    > > > > Thanks,
    > > > >

  7. #7
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    I can not imagine that there would be a problem with distributing the CDO
    (more of a guess than a legal opionion) file since the dll is only handy for
    playing with Outlook. If they have Outlook then they could have installed the
    CDO on their own... Before you send them a copy of CDO make sure you are not
    overwriting a CDO file that they already have on their system...

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Steve" wrote:

    > Ok, so as far as you know, if I can just copy the CDO.dll file to their
    > computer and it works, that is ok. It is legally ok to distribute the
    > CDO.dll file if the user already has legal copies of Outlook and Excel on
    > their computer.(I know this question may be out of your area and may not
    > pertain to this forum)
    > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > You might be able to get away with just copying CDO.dll to the host computer.
    > > That was not an option for me because of potential administrator restrictions
    > > on the host machines in terms of installing files and how to get the files
    > > sent to them in the first place. The code that I was using accessed the
    > > global address list to get e-mail addresses. When the new service pack was
    > > installed the host machine would prompt the user that a program was trying to
    > > access the Global Address list (it thought that the program might be a virus
    > > trying to e-mail). It was at this point that I abandoned the project.
    > > --
    > > HTH...
    > >
    > > Jim Thomlinson
    > >
    > >
    > > "Steve" wrote:
    > >
    > > > What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    > > > need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    > > > it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    > > > missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    > > > computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > > > > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > > > > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > > > > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > > > > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > > > > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > > > > such).
    > > > > --
    > > > > HTH...
    > > > >
    > > > > Jim Thomlinson
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > > "Steve" wrote:
    > > > >
    > > > > > Good day.
    > > > > >
    > > > > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > > > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > > > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > > > > >
    > > > > > Thanks,
    > > > > >

  8. #8

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    Thank you Jim. Yes, it would be best to check their system for the CDO file
    first. This may be tricky, but I think it is worth it. However, after
    Outlook 2000, the CDO.dll was installed as part of Outlook, is that correct?
    No need to worry about that after Office 2000?

    "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

    > Here is the code I was working on if it helps at all
    > Option Explicit
    > Const CdoPR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES = &H800F101E
    > Const g_strMAPILogOn As String = "MS Exchange Settings"
    > Const g_strAddressList As String = "Global Address List"
    > Const g_strEMailAddressIdentifier As String = "SMTP"
    > Sub Test()
    > MsgBox GetEMailAddress("James Thomlinson")
    > End Sub
    > Public Function GetEMailAddress(ByVal strName As String) As String
    > Dim objSession As MAPI.Session
    > Dim objField As MAPI.Field
    > Dim MyAddressList As MAPI.AddressList
    > Dim MyAddressEntries As MAPI.AddressEntries
    > Dim MyEntry As MAPI.AddressEntry
    > Dim SomeEntry As MAPI.AddressEntry
    > Dim MyRecipient As MAPI.Recipient
    > Dim v As Variant
    > Dim strReturnValue As String
    > 'Initialize Local Variables
    > strReturnValue = "No Address Found" 'Retrun Value if not found
    > ' Create Session object and Logon.
    > Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
    > objSession.Logon (g_strMAPILogOn)
    > 'Create the Address list from the Global Address List
    > Set MyAddressList = objSession.AddressLists(g_strAddressList)
    > If MyAddressList Is Nothing Then
    > MsgBox g_strAddressList & " Unavailable!", vbCritical, "Critical
    > Error"
    > Exit Function
    > End If
    > 'Initialize MyAddressEntires with the entries in the Address List
    > Set MyAddressEntries = MyAddressList.AddressEntries
    > 'Traverse through the entries searching for a match
    > For Each SomeEntry In MyAddressEntries
    > Set MyEntry = SomeEntry
    > If Trim(UCase(strName)) = Trim(UCase(MyEntry.Name)) Then
    > Set objField = MyEntry.Fields(CdoPR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)
    > ' PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES is a multivalued property
    > (PT_MV_TSTRING).
    > ' Therefore, you need to extract the individual members.
    > For Each v In objField.Value
    > If InStr(1, UCase(v), g_strEMailAddressIdentifier) Then
    > strReturnValue = Mid(v, 6, 256)
    > Exit For
    > End If
    > Next 'Next Field Value
    > Exit For
    > End If
    > Next 'Next Address Entry
    > 'Return Function Value
    > GetEMailAddress = strReturnValue
    > 'Housekeeping
    > Set objField = Nothing
    > Set MyAddressList = Nothing
    > Set MyAddressEntries = Nothing
    > Set MyEntry = Nothing
    > Set MyRecipient = Nothing
    > objSession.Logoff
    > Set objSession = Nothing
    > End Function
    > --
    > HTH...
    > Jim Thomlinson
    > "Steve" wrote:
    > > What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    > > need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    > > it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    > > missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    > > computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.
    > >
    > >
    > > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > >
    > > > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > > > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > > > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > > > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > > > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > > > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > > > such).
    > > > --
    > > > HTH...
    > > >
    > > > Jim Thomlinson
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > "Steve" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > > Good day.
    > > > >
    > > > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > > > >
    > > > > Thanks,
    > > > >

  9. #9
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Microsoft CDO 1.21 library

    Sorry I just re-read this post. CDO is handy for a pile of things beyond just
    Outlook. From your previous posts you are using it in conjunction with the
    outlook address book which means that in the grander scheme of things the
    host machine could have CDO on it because CDO comes with outlook...

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

    > I can not imagine that there would be a problem with distributing the CDO
    > (more of a guess than a legal opionion) file since the dll is only handy for
    > playing with Outlook. If they have Outlook then they could have installed the
    > CDO on their own... Before you send them a copy of CDO make sure you are not
    > overwriting a CDO file that they already have on their system...
    > --
    > HTH...
    > Jim Thomlinson
    > "Steve" wrote:
    > > Ok, so as far as you know, if I can just copy the CDO.dll file to their
    > > computer and it works, that is ok. It is legally ok to distribute the
    > > CDO.dll file if the user already has legal copies of Outlook and Excel on
    > > their computer.(I know this question may be out of your area and may not
    > > pertain to this forum)
    > >
    > > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > >
    > > > You might be able to get away with just copying CDO.dll to the host computer.
    > > > That was not an option for me because of potential administrator restrictions
    > > > on the host machines in terms of installing files and how to get the files
    > > > sent to them in the first place. The code that I was using accessed the
    > > > global address list to get e-mail addresses. When the new service pack was
    > > > installed the host machine would prompt the user that a program was trying to
    > > > access the Global Address list (it thought that the program might be a virus
    > > > trying to e-mail). It was at this point that I abandoned the project.
    > > > --
    > > > HTH...
    > > >
    > > > Jim Thomlinson
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > "Steve" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > > What are the other options if I want to call Outlook from Excel. I would
    > > > > need to get email addresses from Outlook and things of that nature. Also, is
    > > > > it ok to load CDO.dll on the users computers? It seems that is the only file
    > > > > missing, and when I copied CDO.dll from my computer to another one of my
    > > > > computers it seemed to work then.. Is it necessary to install from the CD.
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > > >
    > > > > > The CDO library is part of the Outlook install. If it is not installed then
    > > > > > you need to get it installed (you need the office disk and the necessary
    > > > > > permissions to perform an install on the host computer). I did some
    > > > > > developement with CDO but ended up abandoning it because of just these kind
    > > > > > of issues. Also note that CDO operates differently on 2000 depending on what
    > > > > > service pack is installed (extra security prompts the user for approvals and
    > > > > > such).
    > > > > > --
    > > > > > HTH...
    > > > > >
    > > > > > Jim Thomlinson
    > > > > >
    > > > > >
    > > > > > "Steve" wrote:
    > > > > >
    > > > > > > Good day.
    > > > > > >
    > > > > > > I am designing an Excel solution that will require CDO 1.21 library. How
    > > > > > > can I be sure each user has this installed, and if they are using Excel 2000
    > > > > > > or less, how can I install it for them via code or an intall routine.
    > > > > > >
    > > > > > > Thanks,
    > > > > > >

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