Well I figured the simple part of this formula formula. However, I'm having
trouble fitting
it into a larger scale formula. The simple part is to reference a Worksheet
name based on a cells contents. I want to reference "Sheet" & the number
which resides in cell AH1. The formula below seems to do it.

="Sheet"& ROW(INDIRECT(AH1&":"&$AH$1))

I'm not sure if that is proper method, but it seems to work.

Now I need to fit that into a larger formula, but I'm having trouble. Here
is the current formula.


Where it shows "Sheet1", I need to fit in the Indirect formula that I listed
Any ideas?


"Jim Thomlinson" <jamest@tcgiRe-Move-This.com> wrote in message
> You are looking for INDIRECT... Since you have used it before I will not
> go
> into the details...
> --
> HTH...
> Jim Thomlinson
> "PCLIVE" wrote:
>> I've done this before, but I can't remember how. I need to reference a
>> sheet number based on another cell.
>> For example:
>> ='Sheet1'!A1+A2
>> In my situation, I need to reference the Sheet number where the number
>> will
>> be in a cell. Let's say that the number "1" is in A5. In my formula
>> above
>> I need something that will say Sheet & A2 which will be "Sheet1".
>> How can I do this?
>> Thanks,