I had what I thought was a small and simple code snippet, but it was running
very slowly. So, I broke it out into component actions to see what was
taking so long. The code is pasted below; the first part of the code runs as
quickly as expected (considering the number of rows) but when I get to the
code to paste the data back into my worksheet, it seems to be taking about 1
second /per row/. Since I'm only pasting one value per row, and it is
already calculated, this seems very weird to me.

The sheet is not protected, and what is being pasted is never more than an 8
character string. Any ideas what might make this part of the code run so
painfully slowly?


Sub OneTimeOnlyAdd()
Dim TempID As String
Dim NameArr(1 To 2, 1 To 10000)

'pull in the long name for editing
For PullVals = 1 To 10000
NameArr(1, PullVals) = Sheet43.Range("O" & Trim(Str(PullVals))).Value

'edit the name
FoundBlank = 0
For AddID = 1 To 10000
If FoundBlank > 20 Then Exit For
TempID = NameArr(1, AddID)
If Len(TempID) > 0 Then
NameArr(2, AddID) = Right(TempID, Len(TempID) - InStr(TempID, "\"))
FoundBlank = FoundBlank + 1
End If

'paste the name <----this is the part that slows to a crawl!! one second per
loop! no sheet protection or anything, it just overwrites the current cell
For PasteVals = 1 To 10000
Sheet43.Range("W" & Trim(Str(PasteVals))).Value = NameArr(2, PasteVals)

End Sub

The enclosed questions or comments are entirely mine and don't represent the
thoughts, views, or policy of my employer. Any errors or omissions are my