I apologise for reporsting this, but given the previous responses I am
hoping that other people might provide some more relevant insight into my
issue, and suggest a solution.



I have skirted around describing my actual issue because I thought I could
solve it myself if I understood how Named ranges work in Excel, but it has
defeated me. I would like to thank all the people who have answered my
previous Name related questions this evening.

My actual problem......

I have an XLA which contains two worksheets. On the first is static
information contained in workbook level named ranges. The second Worksheets
is a pseudo template which has formulas based on the workbook level named
ranges on the first sheet - these are used to make the formulae readable.
It also contains worksheets level named ranges. These need to be worksheet
level ones because as numerous copies are made of this 'template' into a new
workbook, each range on each sheet needs to be able to be referenced.

Code, from within the XLA, first creates a new workbook by copying the
static sheet to a new workbook. This works fine as the workbook level names
on the copied worksheet refer to the new workbook.

Code then takes a copy the 'template' sheet in the XLA, and copies it into
the new workbook. This procedure, because the formula contain references to
the XLA static sheet, copies worksheet level versions of all the workbook
level names into the new workbook. It also creates the required worksheet
level names as required. The problem is the formulas now look correct, they
refer to named ranges, but the actual references of the named ranges refer
back to the Static sheet in the XLA.

What I need to do is delete all the erroneously created worksheet level
versions of the workbook level names. This would level just the correct
versions which were created when the static sheet was copied.

If anyone knowledgeable about this kind of problem would care to suggest a
solution as to how I can stop the issues I am having with named ranges
please post help me [smile]