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vba advice how 2get a input box to quit by entering the word quit+ 4 a msgbox to disp

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question vba advice how 2get a input box to quit by entering the word quit+ 4 a msgbox to disp

    i have been doing the following coding which allows me to input through a input box 5 names this works however i would first of all like to enter the word QUIT before the 5th name is inputed so that i dont have to input anymore then the second thind i want to do is get a message box to appear after its has quit to show in numbers how many names have been put in for example if only two names have been put in before the word quit is entered i then would like a message box to appear with "2" in it. if anyone can help i would be so greatful. below is my coding

    Private Sub pressHereToInputManufacturesNames_Click()

    Dim manufacturersName1$
    Dim manufacturersName2$
    Dim manufacturersName3$
    Dim manufacturersName4$
    Dim manufacturersName5$
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim rRange As Excel.Range
    Dim strtext$
    Set rRange = Range("a1", Range("a1").End(xlUp))
    Dim iTheRows As Long

    'the below message box instructs the user to enter the word QUIT before they input a fifth
    'manufacturers name the use of "&vbCrlf" in the coding forces a break in the line of the message

    MsgBox "Please can you enter the word QUIT befor putting in 5 manufacturers names" & vbCrLf & "its up to you when you do it aslong as it is before the 5th name Thankyou"

    With ActiveSheet
    manufacturesName1 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 1")
    .[a1].Value = manufacturesName1
    manufacturesName2 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 2")
    .[a2].Value = manufacturesName2
    manufacturesName3 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 3")
    .[a3].Value = manufacturesName3
    manufacturesName4 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 4")
    .[A4].Value = manufacturesName4
    manufacturesName5 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 5")
    .[a5].Value = manufacturesName5

    End With

    ' this below section of coding selects the cells which the manufactures names have been inputted into

    iTheRows = rRange.Rows.Count

    ' the below section of coding makes another message box come up showing the manufactures names that have been inputted

    'in here i want to i think put coding in to make it stop when the word quit is put into the input box

    'then after this i want the message box to display as a interger how many names in total have been inputed into the cell range a1:a5

    For i = 1 To iTheRows Step 1
    strtext$ = strtext$ & ActiveCell.Value & vbCrLf
    Next i
    MsgBox strtext$

    End Sub

  2. #2
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: vba advice how 2get a input box to quit by entering the word quit+ 4 a msgbox to disp

    One way:

    Const maxManufacturers As Long = 5
    Dim vResult As Variant
    Dim manufacturersName(1 To maxManufacturers) As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim numManufacturers As Long
    Dim bCancelled As Boolean

    With ActiveSheet
    For i = LBound(manufacturersName) To UBound(manufacturersName)
    vResult = Application.InputBox( _
    Prompt:="Manufacturer's Name " & i, _
    Title:="Manufacturer's Names", _
    Type:=2, _
    If vResult = False Then
    bCancelled = True
    Exit For
    End If
    If LCase(vResult) = "quit" Then Exit For
    Loop Until Len(Trim(vResult)) > 0
    manufacturersName(i) = Trim(vResult)
    Next i
    If Not bCancelled Then
    numManufacturers = i - 1
    With .Range("A1")
    .Resize(maxManufacturers, 1).ClearContents
    If numManufacturers > 0 Then _
    .Resize(numManufacturers, 1).Value = _
    End With
    MsgBox numManufacturers & " names entered."
    End If
    End With

    note that (a) you almost never need to select a range in order to use
    it, and (b) using the Range objects directly (Range("A1")) is somewhat
    more efficient than using the Evaluate Method ([a1])

    In article <[email protected]>,
    RELWOD85 <[email protected]>

    > i have been doing the following coding which allows me to input through
    > a input box 5 names this works however i would first of all like to
    > enter the word QUIT before the 5th name is inputed so that i dont have
    > to input anymore then the second thind i want to do is get a message
    > box to appear after its has quit to show in numbers how many names have
    > been put in for example if only two names have been put in before the
    > word quit is entered i then would like a message box to appear with "2"
    > in it. if anyone can help i would be so greatful. below is my coding
    > Private Sub pressHereToInputManufacturesNames_Click()
    > Dim manufacturersName1$
    > Dim manufacturersName2$
    > Dim manufacturersName3$
    > Dim manufacturersName4$
    > Dim manufacturersName5$
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim rRange As Excel.Range
    > Dim strtext$
    > Set rRange = Range("a1", Range("a1").End(xlUp))
    > Dim iTheRows As Long
    > 'the below message box instructs the user to enter the word QUIT before
    > they input a fifth
    > 'manufacturers name the use of "&vbCrlf" in the coding forces a break
    > in the line of the message
    > MsgBox "Please can you enter the word QUIT befor putting in 5
    > manufacturers names" & vbCrLf & "its up to you when you do it aslong as
    > it is before the 5th name Thankyou"
    > With ActiveSheet
    > manufacturesName1 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 1")
    > .[a1].Value = manufacturesName1
    > manufacturesName2 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 2")
    > .[a2].Value = manufacturesName2
    > manufacturesName3 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 3")
    > .[a3].Value = manufacturesName3
    > manufacturesName4 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 4")
    > .[A4].Value = manufacturesName4
    > manufacturesName5 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 5")
    > .[a5].Value = manufacturesName5
    > End With
    > ' this below section of coding selects the cells which the manufactures
    > names have been inputted into
    > iTheRows = rRange.Rows.Count
    > [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5].Select
    > ' the below section of coding makes another message box come up showing
    > the manufactures names that have been inputted
    > 'in here i want to i think put coding in to make it stop when the word
    > quit is put into the input box
    > 'then after this i want the message box to display as a interger how
    > many names in total have been inputed into the cell range a1:a5
    > For i = 1 To iTheRows Step 1
    > strtext$ = strtext$ & ActiveCell.Value & vbCrLf
    > Next i
    > MsgBox strtext$
    > End Sub

  3. #3
    K Dales

    RE: vba advice how 2get a input box to quit by entering the word quit+

    I started trying to add the "QUIT" option but as it requires a different
    approach to entering the manufacturers I ended up with pretty much a whole
    new Sub - hope you don't mind, it can at least show you some ideas:

    Public Sub pressHereToInputManufacturesNames_Click()

    Dim ManufacturersNames$(5)
    Dim CountManufacturers As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim UserInput$
    Dim iTheRows As Long

    CountManufacturers = 0
    UserInput$ = "OK"

    While CountManufacturers <= 4 And UCase(UserInput$) <> "QUIT" And UserInput$
    <> ""
    UserInput$ = InputBox("Enter the Manufacturer's Name" & vbCrLf _
    & "You may enter the word QUIT when you are finished" & vbCrLf _
    & "You may press CANCEL to abort" & vbCrLf _
    & CountManufacturers & " manufacturers entered so far")
    If UserInput$ <> "QUIT" Then
    CountManufacturers = CountManufacturers + 1
    ManufacturersNames$(CountManufacturers) = UserInput$
    End If
    If UserInput$ = "" Then
    MsgBox "CANCELLED: any entries will be ignored"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    UserInput$ = ""
    For i = 1 To CountManufacturers
    ActiveSheet.Range("A" & i).Value = ManufacturersNames$(i)
    UserInput$ = UserInput$ & ManufacturersNames$(i)
    If i < CountManufacturers Then UserInput$ = UserInput$ & vbCrLf
    Next i

    MsgBox "You entered " & CountManufacturers & " Manufacturers:" & vbCrLf &

    End Sub

    - K Dales

    "RELWOD85" wrote:

    > i have been doing the following coding which allows me to input through
    > a input box 5 names this works however i would first of all like to
    > enter the word QUIT before the 5th name is inputed so that i dont have
    > to input anymore then the second thind i want to do is get a message
    > box to appear after its has quit to show in numbers how many names have
    > been put in for example if only two names have been put in before the
    > word quit is entered i then would like a message box to appear with "2"
    > in it. if anyone can help i would be so greatful. below is my coding
    > Private Sub pressHereToInputManufacturesNames_Click()
    > Dim manufacturersName1$
    > Dim manufacturersName2$
    > Dim manufacturersName3$
    > Dim manufacturersName4$
    > Dim manufacturersName5$
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim rRange As Excel.Range
    > Dim strtext$
    > Set rRange = Range("a1", Range("a1").End(xlUp))
    > Dim iTheRows As Long
    > 'the below message box instructs the user to enter the word QUIT before
    > they input a fifth
    > 'manufacturers name the use of "&vbCrlf" in the coding forces a break
    > in the line of the message
    > MsgBox "Please can you enter the word QUIT befor putting in 5
    > manufacturers names" & vbCrLf & "its up to you when you do it aslong as
    > it is before the 5th name Thankyou"
    > With ActiveSheet
    > manufacturesName1 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 1")
    > .[a1].Value = manufacturesName1
    > manufacturesName2 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 2")
    > .[a2].Value = manufacturesName2
    > manufacturesName3 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 3")
    > .[a3].Value = manufacturesName3
    > manufacturesName4 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 4")
    > .[A4].Value = manufacturesName4
    > manufacturesName5 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 5")
    > .[a5].Value = manufacturesName5
    > End With
    > ' this below section of coding selects the cells which the manufactures
    > names have been inputted into
    > iTheRows = rRange.Rows.Count
    > [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5].Select
    > ' the below section of coding makes another message box come up showing
    > the manufactures names that have been inputted
    > 'in here i want to i think put coding in to make it stop when the word
    > quit is put into the input box
    > 'then after this i want the message box to display as a interger how
    > many names in total have been inputed into the cell range a1:a5
    > For i = 1 To iTheRows Step 1
    > strtext$ = strtext$ & ActiveCell.Value & vbCrLf
    > Next i
    > MsgBox strtext$
    > End Sub
    > --
    > RELWOD85
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > RELWOD85's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25753
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=391833

  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: vba advice how 2get a input box to quit by entering the word quit+ 4 a msgbox to disp

    Using a loop is the best way, but here is a modification of your approach

    Private Sub pressHereToInputManufacturesNames_Click()

    Dim manufacturersName1$
    Dim manufacturersName2$
    Dim manufacturersName3$
    Dim manufacturersName4$
    Dim manufacturersName5$
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim rRange As Excel.Range
    Dim strtext$
    Set rRange = Range("a1", Range("a1").End(xlUp))
    Dim iTheRows As Long
    Dim sStr as String

    'the below message box instructs the user to enter the word QUIT before they
    input a fifth
    'manufacturers name the use of "&vbCrlf" in the coding forces a break in the
    line of the message

    MsgBox "Please can you enter the word QUIT befor putting in 5 manufacturers
    names" & vbCrLf & "its up to you when you do it as long as it is before the
    5th name Thankyou"

    With ActiveSheet
    manufacturesName1 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 1")
    If LCase(manufacturesName1) = "quit" Then

    [a1].Value = manufacturesName1
    sStr = manufacturesName1 & vbNewLine
    manufacturesName2 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 2")
    If LCase(manufacturesName2) = "quit" Then
    sStr = sStr & manufacturesName2 & vbNewLine
    [a2].Value = manufacturesName2
    manufacturesName3 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 3")
    If LCase(manufacturesName3) = "quit" Then
    sStr = sStr & manufacturesName3 & vbNewLine
    [a3].Value = manufacturesName3
    manufacturesName4 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 4")
    If LCase(manufacturesName4) = "quit" Then
    sStr = sStr & manufacturesName4 & vbNewLine
    [A4].Value = manufacturesName4
    manufacturesName5 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 5")
    If LCase(manufacturesName5) = "quit" Then
    sStr = sStr & manufacturesName5 & vbNewLine
    [a5].Value = manufacturesName5
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If Len(sStr) > 0 Then
    MsgBox Left(sStr, Len(sStr) - 2)
    End If

    End With

    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "RELWOD85" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > i have been doing the following coding which allows me to input through
    > a input box 5 names this works however i would first of all like to
    > enter the word QUIT before the 5th name is inputed so that i dont have
    > to input anymore then the second thind i want to do is get a message
    > box to appear after its has quit to show in numbers how many names have
    > been put in for example if only two names have been put in before the
    > word quit is entered i then would like a message box to appear with "2"
    > in it. if anyone can help i would be so greatful. below is my coding
    > Private Sub pressHereToInputManufacturesNames_Click()
    > Dim manufacturersName1$
    > Dim manufacturersName2$
    > Dim manufacturersName3$
    > Dim manufacturersName4$
    > Dim manufacturersName5$
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim rRange As Excel.Range
    > Dim strtext$
    > Set rRange = Range("a1", Range("a1").End(xlUp))
    > Dim iTheRows As Long
    > 'the below message box instructs the user to enter the word QUIT before
    > they input a fifth
    > 'manufacturers name the use of "&vbCrlf" in the coding forces a break
    > in the line of the message
    > MsgBox "Please can you enter the word QUIT befor putting in 5
    > manufacturers names" & vbCrLf & "its up to you when you do it aslong as
    > it is before the 5th name Thankyou"
    > With ActiveSheet
    > manufacturesName1 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 1")
    > [a1].Value = manufacturesName1
    > manufacturesName2 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 2")
    > [a2].Value = manufacturesName2
    > manufacturesName3 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 3")
    > [a3].Value = manufacturesName3
    > manufacturesName4 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 4")
    > [A4].Value = manufacturesName4
    > manufacturesName5 = InputBox("Manufactorsname 5")
    > [a5].Value = manufacturesName5
    > End With
    > ' this below section of coding selects the cells which the manufactures
    > names have been inputted into
    > iTheRows = rRange.Rows.Count
    > [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5].Select
    > ' the below section of coding makes another message box come up showing
    > the manufactures names that have been inputted
    > 'in here i want to i think put coding in to make it stop when the word
    > quit is put into the input box
    > 'then after this i want the message box to display as a interger how
    > many names in total have been inputed into the cell range a1:a5
    > For i = 1 To iTheRows Step 1
    > strtext$ = strtext$ & ActiveCell.Value & vbCrLf
    > Next i
    > MsgBox strtext$
    > End Sub
    > --
    > RELWOD85
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > RELWOD85's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=391833

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