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issue with countif in vba

  1. #1
    Xavier Minet

    issue with countif in vba


    I am trying to identify duplicate values in an Excel 2003 column. If I am
    using the following code:

    myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ",""=" & currentCDBID & """)"
    countDUP = Evaluate(myFormula)
    If countDUP > 1 Then ... rest of my code...

    countDUP always returns "0" as result of the evaluate call (and in my
    spreadsheet there are obviously duplicate values)

    I thought I spotted the cause of the issue: countif requires a ";" as
    separator between the range and the criteria. So I transformed my code into:

    myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ";""=" & currentCDBID & """)"
    countDUP = Evaluate(myFormula)
    If countDUP > 1 Then ... rest of my code...

    And now countDUP always contains "Error 2015" which refers to a type

    Does anyone know what is the cause of my problem ?

    Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: issue with countif in vba

    myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ",""" & currentCDBID & """)"



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Xavier Minet" <xminet@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi,
    > I am trying to identify duplicate values in an Excel 2003 column. If I am
    > using the following code:
    > myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ",""=" & currentCDBID & """)"
    > countDUP = Evaluate(myFormula)
    > If countDUP > 1 Then ... rest of my code...
    > countDUP always returns "0" as result of the evaluate call (and in my
    > spreadsheet there are obviously duplicate values)
    > I thought I spotted the cause of the issue: countif requires a ";" as
    > separator between the range and the criteria. So I transformed my code

    > myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ";""=" & currentCDBID & """)"
    > countDUP = Evaluate(myFormula)
    > If countDUP > 1 Then ... rest of my code...
    > And now countDUP always contains "Error 2015" which refers to a type
    > mismatch.
    > Does anyone know what is the cause of my problem ?
    > Any help would be appreciated.
    > Xavier

  3. #3

    Re: issue with countif in vba


    "Bob Phillips" <bob.phillips@notheretiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
    > myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ",""" & currentCDBID & """)"
    > --
    > HTH
    > RP
    > (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
    > "Xavier Minet" <xminet@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:%23roepXGlFHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
    >> Hi,
    >> I am trying to identify duplicate values in an Excel 2003 column. If I
    >> am
    >> using the following code:
    >> myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ",""=" & currentCDBID & """)"
    >> countDUP = Evaluate(myFormula)
    >> If countDUP > 1 Then ... rest of my code...
    >> countDUP always returns "0" as result of the evaluate call (and in my
    >> spreadsheet there are obviously duplicate values)
    >> I thought I spotted the cause of the issue: countif requires a ";" as
    >> separator between the range and the criteria. So I transformed my code

    > into:
    >> myFormula = "=COUNTIF(E2:E" & LastRow - 1 & ";""=" & currentCDBID & """)"
    >> countDUP = Evaluate(myFormula)
    >> If countDUP > 1 Then ... rest of my code...
    >> And now countDUP always contains "Error 2015" which refers to a type
    >> mismatch.
    >> Does anyone know what is the cause of my problem ?
    >> Any help would be appreciated.
    >> Xavier


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