Left(ClientName, WorksheetFunction.Find(",", ClientName) - 1) and
Right(ClientName, Len(ClientName) - WorksheetFunction.Find(",", ClientName)
- 1)
"V. Roe" wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to fill two textboxes on a userform with information from one cell.
> In Range ("ClientName") is text "Last, FirstName". I need to fill Textbox1
> with "LastName" and Textbox2 with the "FirstName". I have no problem
> filling the textbox with the entire text from the cell, but I have no idea
> how to split the information at the comma. The only information I could
> find suggested using the Left function, but since the number of characters
> can vary that didn't work too well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Valerie