Does anyone have any sugggestions for:

I have a spreadsheet that generates random numbers based on a range of dates. This result can be 100, 500, etc. rows of data. From the rows of data that are generated, I may select the first 25 rows of data out of 100 possible rows. The next day, I may select 50 rows out of 500 possible rows.

For example:

The Sample size (25) is on Sheet 1 - Cell B3
On Sheet 3 is 150 rows of data (beginning on Cell A2).

Is there a way to write a macro that will count the rows (in this case Sheeet 3-A2 through Sheet 3-A26 - 25 Rows) and delete all rows beneath A26 on Sheet 3?

Since the sample size changes daily is there a way to reference Sheet 1 - Cell B3 so that if the sample size is 50, the macro will keep 50 rows of data and delete the rest, etc.

Thanks for the help!