Excel 2003 with Visual Basic 6.3
I'm sure there must be a way to check and see if the Active Workbook is empty.
Any clues?
Excel 2003 with Visual Basic 6.3
I'm sure there must be a way to check and see if the Active Workbook is empty.
Any clues?
What is your definition of empy?
Dim bEmpty as Boolean, sh as Worksheet
bEmpty = True
for each sh in Activeworkbook.Worksheets
if Application.CountA(sh.UsedRange) <> 0 then
bEmpty = False
Exit for
end if
With ActiveWorkbook
if .Worksheets.count <> .Sheets.count then _
bEmpty = False
End With
if bEmpty then
msgbox Activeworkbook.Name & " is empty"
end if
The above doesn't check for shapes/olebojects or code.
Tom Ogilvy
"scantor145" <scantor145.1ss5iz_1122387046.7544@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote
in message news:scantor145.1ss5iz_1122387046.7544@excelforum-nospam.com...
> Excel 2003 with Visual Basic 6.3
> I'm sure there must be a way to check and see if the Active Workbook is
> empty.
> Any clues?
> --
> scantor145
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