Thanks for the help so far Michel, but the .InsertBreak command does not seem
to be working in this particular application. I've also tried to send
command keys (Ctrl + Enter) to Word in order to insert a page break but since
I'm working from Excel, the macro does not want to accept that I'd want to
send those key combinations to the Word application even though defined. Are
there any other alternatives out there that I can try? This may just be a
lost cause.
"michelxld" wrote:
> Hello
> this macro copy excel tables ( named Tableau1 , Tableau2 ...) in a new
> Word document , and insert page break between each table
> Sub EnvoyerTableauxExcelVersWord()
> 'activate Microsoft Word xx.x Object Library
> Dim AppWord As Word.Application
> Dim i As Byte
> Set AppWord = New Word.Application
> AppWord.Visible = True
> AppWord.Documents.Add
> For i = 1 To 4 'table number
> 'each table is named "Tableau1" , "Tableau2" ....
> Range("Tableau" & i).Copy
> With AppWord.Selection
> .Paste
> .InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakNextPage 'page break
> End With
> Next i
> Application.CutCopyMode = False
> End Sub
> Regards
> michel
> --
> michelxld
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