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Autocopy from one cell to another cell in a spreadsheet

  1. #1

    Autocopy from one cell to another cell in a spreadsheet

    I need help creating a macro to copy from a cell in sheet1 to a cell in
    sheet2. Though when it pastes I can't have it fill the same cell over
    again I need it to paste it in the next cell down from it.


    Sheet1 -> Sheet2

    B12 -> B2 and after the person clicks the macro the next would move
    down to B3, B4, B5...
    D12 -> C2, C3, C4... so on and so forth
    I5 -> A2
    I17 -> E2
    G12 -> D2
    I22 -> F2
    I27 -> G2

    I just can't seem to figure this out because I have almost 0 knowledge
    of VB. Can someone help me with a step by step?

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Autocopy from one cell to another cell in a spreadsheet

    One way:

    Option Explicit
    'B12 -> B2
    'D12 -> C2
    'I5 -> A2
    'I17 -> E2
    'G12 -> D2
    'I22 -> F2
    'I27 -> G2
    Sub testme()

    Dim fWks As Worksheet
    Dim tWks As Worksheet

    Dim fAddr As Variant
    Dim tCol As Variant

    Dim cCtr As Long
    Dim oRow As Long

    fAddr = Array("b12", "d12", "i5", "i17", "g12", "i22", "i27")
    tCol = Array("b", "c", "a", "e", "d", "f", "g")

    If UBound(fAddr) <> UBound(tCol) Then
    MsgBox "design error--not same number of columns/cells)"
    End If

    Set fWks = Worksheets("sheet1")
    Set tWks = Worksheets("Sheet2")

    With tWks
    oRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, tCol(LBound(tCol))).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    End With

    With fWks
    If IsEmpty(.Range(fAddr(LBound(fAddr)))) Then
    MsgBox "Please enter data in: " & fAddr(LBound(fAddr))
    Exit Sub
    End If

    For cCtr = LBound(fAddr) To UBound(fAddr)
    tWks.Cells(oRow, tCol(cCtr)).Value = .Range(fAddr(cCtr)).Value
    .Range(fAddr(cCtr)).ClearContents '???
    Next cCtr
    End With

    End Sub

    [email protected] wrote:
    > I need help creating a macro to copy from a cell in sheet1 to a cell in
    > sheet2. Though when it pastes I can't have it fill the same cell over
    > again I need it to paste it in the next cell down from it.
    > Example:
    > Sheet1 -> Sheet2
    > B12 -> B2 and after the person clicks the macro the next would move
    > down to B3, B4, B5...
    > D12 -> C2, C3, C4... so on and so forth
    > I5 -> A2
    > I17 -> E2
    > G12 -> D2
    > I22 -> F2
    > I27 -> G2
    > I just can't seem to figure this out because I have almost 0 knowledge
    > of VB. Can someone help me with a step by step?


    Dave Peterson

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