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How to run a macro (in personal.xls) whatever file (in the listing) open

  1. #1

    How to run a macro (in personal.xls) whatever file (in the listing) open

    I have a macro in personal.xls. I want the macro in personal.xls to
    execute whenever a file is open. Based on the filename, i will further
    execute certain commands.

    The filename that fit the criteria is listed in personal.xls as well.


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: How to run a macro (in personal.xls) whatever file (in the listing)open

    You'll need an application event that monitors when you open another workbook.

    Put this in your personal.xls's project under the ThisWorkbook module.

    You may have to modify your workbook_open event to include the code--you'll want
    to merge the code into one procedure:

    Option Explicit
    Public WithEvents xlApp As Excel.Application
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Set xlApp = Application
    End Sub
    Private Sub Workbook_Close()
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub xlApp_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

    Select Case LCase(Wb.Name)
    Case Is = "book1.xls", "book2.xls"
    Case Else
    Exit Sub
    End Select

    Call YourMacroHere(Wb.Name)

    End Sub

    And I had this in a general module in my personal.xls workbook.

    Option Explicit
    Sub YourMacroHere(myName As String)
    MsgBox myName
    End Sub

    You can read a lot more about application events at Chip Pearson's site:

    "tanglk@gmail.com" wrote:
    > I have a macro in personal.xls. I want the macro in personal.xls to
    > execute whenever a file is open. Based on the filename, i will further
    > execute certain commands.
    > The filename that fit the criteria is listed in personal.xls as well.
    > regards


    Dave Peterson

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