Thank you, thank you. In hind sight it was so simple. I ended up expanding
the vlookup function to integrate 3 columns and still had time for a morning
bike ride before temps hit 100. My boss thanks you too.

"Norman Jones" wrote:

> Hi JackSpam,
> You can do this manually and very rapidly.
> Select all the coordinate blanks in WB B:
> Select the one coord column | F5 | Alt-S | k | ok
> With the cells selected enter an apporiate VLookup formula | Ctrl-Enter
> Repeat for the 2nd coordinates column.
> If necessary, see Excel help on VLookup function.
> You can hardcode the results with Copy PasteSpecial Values.
> Rather than selecting the blank missing values, you may wish to select all
> co-ord values - slightly quicker and you verify current data.
> The job will be finished before you know it.
> ---
> Regards,
> Norman
> "JackSpam" <> wrote in message
> > I'm not sure if this will require VB or not as I've only done very basic
> > macro recording before.
> > I have 2 workbooks where the first 3 columns of each row (after a title
> > row)
> > consist of an ID number, a North coordinate and an East Coordinate.
> > Workbook
> > A is complete in that every ID for our system is included along with the
> > coresponding North and East coords.
> > Workbook B includes a subset of the IDs and only some of the IDs have
> > their
> > coords in columns B and C. How do I import the coords into Workbook B
> > without having to copy/paste a thousand or more times. Thanks in advance
> > for
> > any help.
